Well hello there. I don't know about Billings, but Silesia is getting some rain this morning! Don't you just love the sound of rain?
Yesterday was the last day to send in those mail-in ballots and guarantee delivery. If you have not mailed your's in, there is still time. You just need to take it down to the courthouse. If your's is in and accounted for, write VOTE in the planner for $100. If you wrote this last time I asked, write it again and earn more! :0)
A MEGA permission slip came home last Thursday with your child. This sheet has all the events we will be doing to close up the 4th grade academic year. Please take the time to read each event and mark your permission choice, sign the back, and return on Monday for $100. Kids need to bring back the entire sheet. I have copy and pasted all the details written on their for you off to the side under the tab labeled up-coming events.
We head to the zoo on Monday. Please remember those sack lunches. I have four people that ordered one. We will have them here and ready. We will NOT be bringing a cooler. Lunches will stay in their backpacks. Students may bring electronics for the bus ride if they want. They are THEIR responsibility however. While at the zoo, all electronics must be off and in the backpack. Kids need to wear sunscreen and dress for warm weather. It is supposed to be a beautiful day! Please do NOT send cameras on any field trip. I will post some pictures on the blog.
Speaking of pictures and blogging. I noticed the other day that you can turn my blog into a book. I am going to try it this year. I think it would be the coolest yearbook one could get. I am not sure if you can order them??? Can someone advise me on this?? Do you see a tab or link for this? I know that the videos won't be on there obviously, but the pictures will. Pretty cool!
Tuesday is Hawaii Day. Kids may dress the part. Those that do, will earn a $100. We will spend the afternoon outside having some Hawaii Fun. In SS, we went on a four day tour of the islands. Your child should have brought home their folder for homework. They were given a list of fun things they could do on each island. They had to select three on each island. At the end they had to make sure that their trip was within budget. Each student was budgeted $400. This was a great real world lesson. Many figured out that while on vacation, they can't always do EVERYTHING they want to do. So, they have to learn to prioritize and make hard decisions. Now, at home, they have to create illustrations of themselves doing the events they picked. This is their ticket into Hawaii Day on Tuesday. If it is not done, with 4th grade effort, then they will have to sit this one out. They also had a $200 buy in. Almost all of them have already paid that. It will be a day of great fun! Aloha!!!
Thursday is our talent show. We have a handful of kids ready to go. The deadline for sign-up was last Thursday. Those that are in, practice, practice, practice. Remember, you need to bring your own music or tell me where to find it online.
Thursday is also our "secret" field trip. We need to go off campus for a special something for a special someone. We will go in the afternoon after lunch. We will only be gone for about an hour and a half or so. Kids need to bring $1.00 on that day. They may NOT bring more than that. Thanks for trusting us on this one. :0)
Friday, is baby egg day! Your child will become a parent to a hard boiled egg for the day. Congratulations, you are grandparents. AHHHHHH!!!!!! :0) I do this every year around this time in honor of Mother's and Father's Day. Kids get a real dose of just how much responsibility there is in caring for an egg. They have to take it everywhere they go for the entire day. One student already commented that he was upset because now he couldn't play hard at recess. I said...um...ya. I told him, that I am sure his mom and dad had to give up some fun things they wanted to do because of him...like sleep! :0) Kids may bring a small crib to keep their egg in on their desk while they are working. It may not be bigger than a checkbook box. Again, I had a child ask if they could take the bed outside. I replied with, do you think your parents pushed your crib outside every time they went out there??? Nope! Too funny. At the end of the day, I have them write a letter to you expressing their thoughts and feelings. They are always rewarding to read!
Besides all that, we will continue on with our normal academics. We will be zooming through MT History. Where did the time go??? I would like MT to at least become a state before we leave the 4th grade. :0) We sure have had fun building the interactive notebooks this year though. I love that they all still know so much. I will be presenting this way of teaching to many other 4th grade teachers this summer. Many of your kiddos will be featured in the video I show them displaying our journey. I am so proud of this!
Lastly, I want to give a gentle reminder to a few students: Ethan, Collin, Alexis, and McKenzy. These students still need to bring back their picture packets or money to purchase them. Please do that on Monday. Reminder notes from LifeTouch came home with your child on Thursday. Thanks.