Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hawaii Day was a Success!

Hi there. Well, Hawaii day was soooooo much fun! I will make the slideshow tonight and post it tomorrow. Ask your child if they enjoyed it. They said that they all did. If they can tell you their favorite part, write it down in the planner for $20. We had to cut some of the relay races short due to the hot pavement. Surfing was a little tough. :0( They all did a great job and participated in all fun events!

Please remind kiddos to put on deodorant and sunscreen daily now that it is hot. We are outside a lot on these days. Also, remember that shorts need to be arm length according to school dress code and tank tops need to be at least 2 finger tips wide. They may be layered.

Tomorrow, we will be walking to our off site evacuation site as a practice drill. The entire school is doing this at 1:00. Please call Mr. English with questions on this. Remember, it is just a practice drill.

Well, that is about it. PE and walking shoes are a must tomorrow. Have a great night!

PS-Homework is to take a shower and get all the grass of of them. :0)
