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Hi there. Here is the slideshow from yesterday's Hawaii Day. Kids had to choose activities from their book tours. I listed how much those activities cost kids. They were not allowed to go over their $400 budget. Fun times had by all!
Tomorrow is the talent show. I can't wait to see what Olivia, McKenzy, Kenzi, Alexis, and Collin have in store for us. We will do this around 9:30 after PE.
Tomorrow we also go on our secret field trip. Please make sure kids come with $1.00 in their pockets. We will leave around 12:40. Collin, I still need your permission slip please. :0)
Library books tomorrow.
We spent quite a bit of time today working on our 50 states and capitals. The test will be before the end of the year. I will let you know at least a week in advance. Playing the blog games or what is the capital of _____ in the car will help, help, help.
MT History is coming right along. Ask your child what 3-7-77 represents. This can still be found on MT State Trooper uniforms. If they can tell you write the word PLUMMER in the planner for $20 tomorrow.
Our off campus evacuation drill went very well, after we had a little talk about taking it serious. Kids need to understand that their eyes and ears need to be on the teacher at all times during a drill. They can't be running, talking, or laughing. After we talked and issued some money fines, the class did awesome!
A HUGE thank you to all that voted YES for kids. We are sooooooo excited for our new technology! Today, we read our novel with our laptops on our laps. I wanted kids to get a taste of what was coming for them next year. They will be so technology ready by the time they get into the workforce!!!! Finally, we will catch up with the rest of the world. :0)
Have a wonderful evening!