There has been some confusion on homework. I give 30 minutes of homework a day. It is stamped HOMEWORK, and is usually a math review/practice sheet. In addition, (and I think this is where people are getting confused) work that is not finished in class, in the given amount of time I feel suitable for a 4th grader, will come home for additional homework as well. Please do your best to avoid a lot of help on this one as it is graded and I need to grade what THEY know. By all means, help guide them to the answer, but please don't just give them the answer. That way it is consistent to a classroom environment. If your child is coming home with a BUNCH of extra NOT stamped homework, my guess is that they are NOT using their time wisely in class. Ask them if that is the case. Please feel free to contact me with issues and I will watch to see if I can see an issue in independent work time.
The Heritage Recipe Books will be coming home tomorrow with the weekly grade report. YUM! I know I will be using them to share with my family!!!! Thanks again for these!
Today, we had our In School Secure Lockdown practice drill. This is for an unwanted intruder at Bitterroot. The kids did great getting behind the wall, down, and staying quiet. Hope upon hope, we never have to do this one for real!!! But, if so, I feel confident that they would know what to do.
We continued with our MT History study today. It is a lot of fun! It is like art connected to learning every day as they are creating their MT History notebooks. I told them they will want to keep them forever as they can use them again in the 10th grade!!!! Ask your child what the state flower is. Hmmm....connection here???? IF they can tell you, write it in the planner for $20 tomorrow.
Tomorrow is Friday. That means team building. We will play a game outside. Please have kids wear tennis shoes tomorrow. I got the game from my kid's gym teacher and they say it rocks!!! Sounds fun!
Next Monday, we start our NWEA MAP testing. We will test Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 10-11:30. This test is extremely important as it tells us their current level and we then use it at the end of the year to see how they grew. Please make sure your child it present all three days. They may chew gum during the test if they bring in their own.
Above, you will see the donation form for Mr. Ashcraft's journey in Spain. Many kids wanted to donate to the cause. I told them that I think $10 would be the max for a 4th grader. I also told them that they had to EARN the money, not just ask you. If you would like to donate as well, we discussed that is perfectly fine. This is voluntary and they can give him the donations personally when he comes to visit our class after he comes back to the US in two or three months. He has already walked 356 km of the 1000 km he is planning to do, and he is only on day 11!!! Holy buckets Mr. Ashcraft. Remember, you can follow him too on facebook by finding the Optimist Special Children't Camp page. He blogs on it daily. It is pretty interesting, and I can't wait to hear even more upon his return!!!! Please return donation slips if want to tomorrow. Remember the money is not due for a couple more months. They have lots of time to earn that money. If you see the slip and discuss this with your child, please write ASHCRAFT in the planner for another $30 bonus!!!! Camino means walk by the way in spanish. (I think). :0)
Well, that about sums it up. Have a great night!
HOMEWORK: Study for Spelling Test (My class) and Math Review #4