Hi there.
In CC meeting this morning, we discovered that life is a present every day in a funny way. Ask your child about the pictures above. Ask them about how life's presents can be good and bad some days, but still a PRESENT. Then we talked about how we should live in the here and now. We talked about how we can't change the past and we can't control the future. All we can do is the present. I told them that even as an adult, this is a VERY difficult task to master. They finally listed 5 things that worry them. Ask them to tell you their five. If they can do all of the above write the word PRESENT in the planner for $20 tomorrow.
In math we moved onto estimating sums and differences. They got it! Easy Cheesey! We will quiz out on the skill tomorrow. Chapter 1 tests are coming home tonight. You will see two. The first ones didn't go so well, so we did any and every problem any kid wanted to see. Then I gave them form B which was the same test with just different numbers. Almost all kids bettered their score. If kids got an A or B on their first test I gave them a choice to better their score. So, if you child only has one test then they chose to stick with their grade. We will continue to review these skills all year.
In music class, Mr. Goodheart is working with the kids on beats. This is actually a hard skill to master. They will need to know this in order to play their recorders soon.
Today we participated in a district wide emergency drill. Hopefully your phone was ringing around 10:00 this morning with a message about this. If not, you may want to check your contact numbers at our front office. You should have also received another message later saying the drill was a success and over. Our school was a stage 1, so we all just went to the gym and lockdown together. My class did AWESOME!!!!
Homework tonight: Math Review 10
Have a great night!