Thursday, September 20, 2012

Midterms Today!

Hi there. Happy Thursday!!! I love Thursdays, because that means FRIDAY is right around the corner! :0)

Midterms came home today. Remember the grading scale for 4th grade...

If your child has an F in a subject my guess is they have a missing assignment. I have attached those as well. If you have concerns please contact me. Just a reminder, I don't ask your child over and over again for assignments. Their weekly report home is the only reminder I give them. Come report card time, if they are not turned in the grade (F) stands. It is the FASTEST way to destroy a grade, and quite silly in my opinion.

If your child does not have a grade in a subject area, it means their teacher does not have any recorded grades thus far. Music and Read 180 are just now taking grades so that explains those ones. Please contact THOSE teachers if you have questions. I don't know anything about their grades or grading systems.

Please sign the midterm and return it with your child tomorrow. After checking them back in, I will send it home again for your records. If you see your child's midterm and discuss it with them write MIDTERM in the planner for $20. Remember, they still have time to change their grades before report cards.

Please start sending in those sturdy, cookie sheet sized pieces of cardboard. We will need them next week. For sure have them here by Monday please. (Extras are welcome!!!)

Tomorrow we have a spelling test. Please study with your child tonight. Thanks.

In math we have moved onto decimal numbers. In the 4th grade we do the tenths and the hundredths place. We also learned to convert a decimal to a fraction and write it in words. WOW!!! This is high level thinking!!!! :0)

Have a wonderful evening!!!!