Monday, September 3, 2012


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Hi there! Happy Labor Day! Years ago, union workers demanded days off and better pay. I am celebrating that by being at school working for no pay! That seems a little backward now doesn't it? :0) No worries, my family went to Minnesota for a fun, family wedding. I got to catch up with family I haven't seen in awhile. You know those cousins you grew up as a kid, yep, those are the ones I got to re-connect with. Fun times remembering all the trouble we caused and got into back in the day! Oh, to be a kid again!!! Hope you are having fun too!!!!

We are back to work as normal tomorrow. We will press forward in all areas this week. Regional Social Studies will be introduced (Journey across the US learning about the regions and states in the US as we go.) We will also begin MT History this week. Pretty excited about this one, as I helped to create the new method of teaching this subject this year with 4 other teachers this summer. We are piloting (testing it out for the district this year). I'll share more about it at Open House. We will also add two pieces to our Language Arts Block. So, now in addition to language and spelling, we will also have small group reading and Whole Group Read Aloud. I am pretty excited and pretty nervous about this all in one as again the small group piece is brand new to the district. Last week, your child completed the placement test. This let me know how to serve them best and teach them at and above their level. The staff at Bitterroot also discussed last year's test scores and who needs challenged and extra help in this area as well. Some of your children will be going to Mrs. Betts for READ 180. You will receive information on that soon, if it is your child. This program is AWESOME and I have seen kids have tremendous growth in ONE year by doing it. It has tons of data as part of the program is a technology piece. Super cool! Those that stay with me will also do a computer piece at least three times a week called Read About. It is all nonfiction and on each child's level. It will start soon after we take the SRI test that levels them. Whatever happens, I know that we will ALL be VERY, VERY busy and will need to stay focussed and on task. 

Speaking of those two things, here is the sub note I was left from Mr. Brown on Friday. 

Dear Ms. Erickson, 

Most of the kids were good, but as you can see from the stack of cash, many had problems being chatty. (One Student) was the most chatty, and I even pulled her/him aside to talk to her/him about it before the day was over. She/He realized they had lost $400 in one day. (He goes on about academics). 

Hope I can Come Again, 
Mr. Brown

I am extremely proud of the first sentence. It is AWESOME that most of your kids were on their best behavior. I have to admit though, that I am not surprised about the talking bit. This class really needs to curb that behavior, but it is the third week and pretty normal. We will continue to work on it. The one student will conference with me tomorrow. That is VERY disappointing. Was it your child? Ask them how their day went and how much cash they lost. $400 means that they were talked to at least 8 times at $50 a pop. Yikes! That is total disrespect in my book, and we will be talking greatly about this during our CC meeting tomorrow morning. I know that each and every kiddo in here is able to do the right thing. Some, just take a little more adjusting to the expectations of a new teacher. Let it be known though, I do not tolerate talking out or disrespect in any shape or form. Thanks for your support at home. If you do talk to your child about this, write the money amount they say they lost with Mr. Brown in the planner for $20. I hope to see a lot of $0!!!!! The very best part of this however, is that tomorrow is a new day and a fresh start. I have a poster in my room that says just that: Today is a brand new day, what are you going to do with it?. Love that one!!BELIEVE!!!! 

As for the weather, it is supposed to be cooler this week, but not  by much. Please help your child remember to shower each and every morning. This is the age those smelly hormones kick in, and trust me they are. My scency pot is on full blast as I am typing this. Wow! Also, remind both girls and boys to wear deoderant each day. PLEASE NOOOOO perfume or cologne. I get migraines in a second from strong smells like this, and it is a distraction to the class. Just simple deoderant works wonders. Socks in shoes is also a plus. Great job on the water bottles. Keep them coming with fresh water and ice. Thanks!

Above, you will see a little slide show I created for our fun activities last Thursday. Andrew did a great job sharing his fun stuff for Star of the Week. As you can see, when your child is star of the week they can bring in pictures and toys/treasures of their choice. They share on Friday at CC Meeting. Andrew also had a slide show that I projected off my computer. He volunteers for an organization called B.A.R.K. He walks the dogs, plays with them, and cleans out their cages. What a great citizen!!!!! He can provide information to anyone that wants it. He says they need more volunteers just like him! Next up, is Mr. Brayden. He may begin to bring in his stuff to share tomorrow through Friday. Can't wait to see what he brings. I love this because it helps me see their life outside of school! 

Miss. Kenzi is our classroom DJ this week. She may bring in school appropriate CDs/Music to listen to while working. Christian Rock is approved. 

You will also see a project we did in spelling class last week. We learned eight new vocabulary words that built off our spelling word, SCETCH. After learning how those eight words helped explain how to make a scratch art project, we tried it. As you can see they really did work! 

Finally, you can see the Fun Friday Team Building Activity we did. It was a minute to win it activity called Slimy Noses Relay. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. They really got into it. Mrs. Hankins and I were laughing well into after school about how much fun they had doing this. We will continue doing this each week. Got ideas? Send them in!!! 

Our friends and family board is looking full and inviting. Please feel free to continue to send those in if your child has not yet done so. I see kids glancing that way just to see mom or dad often. :0) 

I think that about wraps it up. Have a wonderful Monday home with your child. Love, Love, Love them!!! They are so special. Each and every one of them!!!! 

PS-New spelling words are posted. Test will again be on Friday.