Tuesday, September 18, 2012

National Pirate Day Tomorrow!!!!

Arg, maties!!! Tomorrow is National Talk Like a Pirate Day. Mr. Goodheart always does a huge thing with this during music class, and we happen to have it tomorrow. So.....kids may dress like a pirate tomorrow if they would like to. $100 to those that do. I am giving short notice because I don't want anyone running to the store to buy things. I want kids to be creative with what they have at home. Think bandanas, eye patches, striped socks, fluffy shirts, vests, suspenders, parrots on shoulders, and so on. BE CREATIVE KIDDOS!!!!

Happy Birthday to Evan!!! Thanks for the yummy cupcakes. I know he had fun selling them for $20 each. He made some cash today!!! Have fun with your cake and Papa Murphey's Pizza dinner tonight. Super cool.

Today in science the class was divided into two groups. One group went to Mrs. Hankin's class and created shaving cream and glue hurricanes from an arial view. As you can see they turned out super cool. Kids also had to label the three main parts of a hurricane: the eye, the eye wall, and the feeder bands. We will display them in the hall for awhile before coming home. The other group stayed with me and we made origami hurricanes. Whew! That was a challenge, but I have to say they did the best out of all three years I have done it. They sure used that TEAMWORK thing that Rusty and I talked about today during our CC meeting!!! They also turned out pretty darn cool. Kids can adjust their hurricane to make the eye smaller and larger! Those will also be displayed for awhile in the hall before coming home. Next Tuesday, the groups will switch and make the art that they didn't make today.

We have PE tomorrow. So, tennis shoes are a must with those pirate outfits.

Homework tonight: Math Review #7

Testing went great today!!!! We will test math tomorrow and then we are done, unless we have make up testing to do.

Other than that, it was a normal day in the Erickson room. Have a wonderful evening!