Monday, September 10, 2012

Marvelous Monday!

Howdy Partners!!!! And partners you are! I could not do my job without you...and not just cuz you made the kids!!!! :0) I soooooo appreciate your help daily!

Above I have included a picture that requires your help. As you all know, a textbook slip came home in the first few days of school stating that if books were lost or damaged they would need to be replaced. Many of you may also remember, they are not cheap to replace. So, could you help me out once again by reminding your child that this kind of putting away of books is going to eventually cause damage to textbooks. They need to stack them nice and neat and not cram them in. This is NOT the first time we have had this discussion. Hopefully you telling them and possibly doing a little math problem with their allowance money to replace them will help it sink in. If you do have a chat about this responsibility issue please write the word BOOK in the planner for $20 tomorrow.

Today, we began to follow our previous counselor, Mr. Ashcraft, on his 1000 km (over 600 mile) trek in Spain. I showed them the video of the summer camp he runs, The Special Kids Optimist Camp. He is walking the entire distance instead of teaching this year! He is raising money for the camp...not for himself. Kids will come home today with a pledge card...but ONLY if they want to, and it is expected that they earn the money THEMSELVES, not ask you for it. He will not be done for over another month and will not be back for at least two. That means kids have lots of time to do extra things for people/you to earn money. In the end, if they pledge just one cent a mile they will owe only $10 at the end. Seeing how I worked at this camp this summer, I told them all about it. I will also talk about this at Open House tomorrow and show you how we are tracking his progress. This is SOOOOO cool!!!! Way to go Mr. Ashcraft!!! You are making a difference! We will continue to follow him all through the process as he posts daily on facebook his whereabouts and happenings!

Not a whole lot more going on today.

HOMEWORK: Review 1 Math Sheet.

Have a wonderful night!