Thursday, December 20, 2012

Goodbye Ali! We will miss you!

Hi there. Well, one day closer to the break. I am thinking the break is going to be great for all of us. :0)

Tomorrow is movie day! We will join up with Mrs. Hankin's class and watch the movie Big Miracle. Kids may bring in a drink of choice (NO larger than 20 oz.), a snack for themselves, and their favorite blanket, pillow, and stuffed animal to snuggle with. It is a great film, and I can't wait to watch it again! We read our last version of this story today in class. Ask your child what the little girl's father called her for a nickname. If they can tell ya, write it in the planner for $20 tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning we will spend time wrapping up all of our units and missing work. Those that still have missing work come 12:10 will have to finish it before viewing the movie. Yikes! They know who they are!!!! Some kiddos also have yet to pay their $300 buy in. They will need to do so tomorrow before the show or will have an alternative placement for the afternoon. They know who they are and they know why they don't have the money to buy in! :0(. Better choices next time I am sure. It is no fun to miss out on the fun activities we do in class.

After the movie, we will spend our Fun Friday saying goodbye to our good friend Ali. He and his mom are moving to Canada. Ali gets along with everyone and is so bright. We will all miss him! If kiddos want to make him a card or goodbye message tonight that would be very nice.

I will blog tomorrow, and then I will not blog again until The Tuesday before we come back in 2013!!!!

Lastly, we have Santa's Workshop Shopping tomorrow with our buddies at 10:30. Kids may bring in $5.00 MAX to shop with. Each item is $1.00. Items will come home to wrap. Fun!

Have a wonderful evening!