Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Merry Christmas Ali!

Hi all!
A big thank you to Ali for sending in his holiday picture. This one is super special because it was taken years ago. Hi mom and her mom have a picture of themselves looking out from behind a Christmas tree and so mom wanted Ali to share in that memory as well. Awesome and so special. Thanks for sharing this with us! Please keep sending them in via email. I DON'T get pictures on my phone. Thanks!

Today, we continued on with our endangered/extinct unit in science. We talked about the loggerhead turtle. They are quite fascinating animals. I wish while I lived in Florida that I would have tried harder to watch them be born and run for the ocean with my own two eyes!!! I really missed out.

I have read the letters for the manager at Fuddruckers. They were all so great and filled with facts. I will be taking Natalie and Kayla with me. It was a hard choice, but they had the most internet research to back their opinions. Great job to Evan, Olivia, and Andrew for their persuasive letters as well!!! I am still trying to reach and confirm the manager meeting. I will let you know when I plan to take them to present their cases for getting trays donated. Yay!!!

Tomorrow we have NWEA Map testing for Reading. Please make sure kids are here and well fed. They did a great job on Math (for the most part-those that need to slow down know who they are!). We expect their best, and it is not a race. Accurate data is what we are looking for! They can do it!!!!

We took our spelling test today, since we have no spelling for the next two days. They were shocked, but I am sure they did well since I am sure they all have been studying hard for the past two days at home and during our 7 minutes partner study sessions here at school. On to Unit 16!

Two nights ago, I sent home some homework dealing with geometry. It shared with the kids whom the Father of Geometry was. If they can remember, write his name in the planner for $20 tomorrow.

Have a splendid evening!