Hi there. Happy Sunday to ya. My little girl turns 9 today. My how the years fly! Next year she will be in the grade that I teach! Yikes...when did that happen?
This week will be a busy one. Here is a run down of what to expect in each subject:
Math: Lines, angles, and types of triangles. Xtramath and success maker rotations will continue.
Reading: Two of our bookclubs have finished their novels. They will venture to some fiction stories that take place in the SE region. Cricket group will press on and finish their novel this week. Man, they have learned a ton in these groups. They really have come a long way when it comes to making text to self, text to world, and text to text connections. They are also remembering to ask for people's evidence when they say an opinion. The funnest part for me is to see the excited little eyes sitting around the table. :0)
Spelling: We will work with words that end in ed and ing. Kids need to be aware that final e and double consonants are doubled when working with these suffixes.
Language: Linking Verbs and Review DOLS.
Science: We will dip back into wolves with Jeff the Zoo Guy. He will be coming to school on Wednesday to share with the kids the pros and cons of the wolf in Yellowstone National Park. Jeff always does an AMAZING job with kids, and brings his true passion of animals to life. Can't wait. We will also continue to learn about alternative resources to help protect our future Earth. We read a fun story about wind power the other day. Ask your child to tell you how the family saved the farm. If they can retell you the story briefly, then write the name RUBY in the planner for $20 tomorrow.
Social Studies: We finished our tour of the SE region on Friday. We learned how the land is so beautiful, how it has changed history (civil war and rights), and how we have preserved so much history in this region. We will do an open book test this week, and our states and capitals test will be THIS Friday. The kids also will finish up their Penelope Peabody scavenger hunt on the computers for both the NE and the SE regions.
Homework this week will be science related. Everyone will be responsible for turning it in the next day. Please continue xtramath sessions at home. I will no longer be paying the kids to do this. I will pay for this weekend, but that is the last one. Now, they need to do it just because it will help them in the future.
If you have not done so, please mark your calendars for December 19th for the Holiday Music Concert. There will be two identical shows, one at 9:30 am and the other at 1:15 pm. Please plan to stay the for the entire show. It is really distracting when people come and go. Many, many kids in our class have speaking solos and Kayla has a singing solo. Ask your child if they have a solo. Then ask them if they are in the morning or afternoon show. Mr. Goodheart changed the people for each show to allow more kids the opportunity to show off their talents. Why not take the day and eat lunch with your kiddo at 11:50 too! Fun times! If your child does have a solo please practice their parts at home. Mr. Goodheart expects them to be memorized by this Wednesday. They also need to add gestures and or expression.
As I said last week, the surprises are in. Please feel free to stop by anytime before or after school to pick yours up if you ordered one. We decided it might be too risky to send them home with kiddos. I arrive at school by 7:30 daily and don't generally leave until 4. If I am not in my room for some reason, go across the hall to Mrs. Hankins. She knows where they are and can also help you. If that doesn't work for you, let me know and we can work out a different plan for you. Thanks.
It was time for our November Purple Hand Cookie nominations on Friday. Natalie nominated Andrew for encouraging every student during gym class. They were learning to serve a volleyball. Andrew was saying encouraging words to all students. Natalie noticed!!!! Way to go Andrew! Olivia nominated Kayla for holding the door in the morning for all 4-6 students. Usually kids only hold the door for our class. Kayla hung in there for the entire school. Way to go Kayla! Your kindness was noticed! Olivia was nominated by Ethan. Ethan needed a computer and Olivia noticed. She allowed Ethan to get one ahead of her. She didn't respond with get to the back or no cuts Ethan. She simply, stepped aside and allowed Ethan to go first. Wow! Great manners Olivia! It was noticed. Two other students were nominated, but when getting the slip from the box, their nominators were not listed. We recognized their amazingness, but they missed out on the vote process. We went over the correct method to nominate a classmate again. In the end, the votes were counted, and our Purple Hand Cookie Award went to Andrew!!! Great work everyone!!
Collin was our star of the week. He brought, shared, and played his guitar for us. It was so fun to see him in the spotlight. He also shared his grandfather's pocket watch and his Valentine's Day nome. Fun!
We ended the week with ice cream sundaes for Fun Friday, and boy was it fun. As you can see, food brings our culture together. What a great realization for our team building this week. Kids bought all the supplies with their fake money. The more toppings they wanted, the more it costed. Anyone been to the yogurt shops in town. If you have, you know that this was a real life skill. You pay by weight. The more you add to your yogurt, the heavier it is, and the more it costs. :0) Kids enjoyed spending their money though, and everyone was able to enjoy great conversation with their friends while eating a tasty treat! They earned it folks! Great, great kids!
Have a wonderful weekend!