Well Hi!
Jeff the Zoo Guy was in the house today! He is always a hoot! As you can see his animation and love for educating kids keeps every single kid engaged the entire time!!!! Kids got to see a wolves skull, footprint, and skin up close...VERY close. It was the perfect way to drive home all the kids learned in class and then some! Every one walked away learning something new. For example, not one kiddo knew what an ungulate is! If your kiddo can tell you now, write what they say in the planner for $20 tomorrow. If your child goes to Zoo Montana AND sees the wolves there in the next two months, write me a note in the planner for a $500 reward! (Can't count driving thru the zoo lights in the car!!! Have to get out and go see the actual wolves!!!!) Snag a picture of them to share while you are there, and your reward will be double. Woo Hoo!
Girls...Volleyball information sheets came home today. What a great way to get some exercise up at Castle Rock when the snow flies!
I know that people are already starting to plan for the holidays. Please know that 4th grade will be taking our Winter NWEA Map tests in reading, math, and language next week (T, Thurs, Fri). Please, please, please be here. It is so important to catch gaps in academics early. If we catch them now, we still have time before 5th grade to teach kids missing concepts. Thanks.
Tomorrow is library. Please find those books and get them into the backpacks. Thanks.
Homework tonight is for everyone. It is a code puzzle for kids to discover some upcoming endangered animals that we will be studying.
Have a fantastic night!