Sunday, December 9, 2012

Got Holiday Pics???

Hi there. I hope you had a great weekend doing something holidayish. We just returned from an amazing play at church. It had a great message about how wrapped up we can get in the hustle and bustle and forget to just sit and be with those around us. I always tell people that the my favorite gift to receive and give is time. I love lunch with friends or just a day with my family. It is a gift that has a million memories. I would LOVE to share your Christmas trees/traditions on the blog. If you email me a picture, I will put it on display. It can be any kind of holiday picture! It is fun to see the kiddos in Christmas action. :0)

We have been studying ways that we can have a greener Earth in science. The kids have taken up the issue of removing the styrofoam trays in the lunchroom. I am setting up a meeting with the manager of Fuddruckers this week. I would like to take two-three kiddos in to try to get them to donate some plastic trays to Bitterroot. Kids were told that if this interested them, they should write a letter trying to persuade him. We talked about how facts speak truth, so they should use the internet to research harmful effects of styrofoam. I will read them all, and select two to three that I feel will do the job. If your child is selected, I will send home a permission slip to attend the meeting. Change is good!!!!

We will be taking the Math NWEA Map test tomorrow afternoon. Then the reading and language will follow on Thursday and Friday. I will be out on Tuesday for my kiddos Holiday programs at school. Other than that, it will be a normal week. We will begin to wrap up units before our Winter Break. Please talk to your kiddo tonight about doing their very best on these tests. That is all we can ask, and we need a true reading on how they are growing thus far in the 4th grade. If you do talk, write NWEA in the planner for $100 tomorrow.

Lastly, I went to the Christmas Stroll downtown with Mr. Ashcraft last Friday. He was sharing about the success of this fundraiser for his walk through Spain. Please make sure that your pledges are sent into him. I sent home invoices last month for those that made a commitment to donate to his cause. If you can't find it, you can send in the money and I will sure get it to him. Also, please pick up your surprises this week when you can. Before or after school works for me!!

Have a great Sunday!!!