Thursday, January 3, 2013

Wear Those Fallen Rock Shirts Tomorrow!!!

Well hi there!

Today was another busy day in E4. We started our morning off with Rusty's help to realize what diamonds are really made of. They are made of grit, perserverence, optimism, and curiousity. Who knew! We talked in length that if kids are going to turn into a diamond with all this pressure and heat over time, they will need to keep these things in mind. Great lesson. We then did our little writing project with our stamped envelope. You will be seeing the outcome of that VERY soon. :0) Enjoy!

We had buddies today. Both our class and Mrs. Seward's 2nd graders are in the midst of learning about snow. So, we spent the morning playing a fun game and reading a really fun story. Ask your child about both. If they can tell you about them, write the object that both the story and the game created in the planner for $20 tomorrow at check in.

In Language Arts today we took our SRI test. This test tells me their current reading level. It is also used to place them in their Read About Program. I am so proud to say that all but three of my students made growth!!! That is awesome!!! Some are reading as high as an 8th grade student! Wowzers!!! Keep on reading at home!!! Kids should be brining home new library books today.

In math, we took our Perimeter Quiz. Tomorrow we will venture into area. Thanks to all those that helped kiddos with their area and long division homework last night! We went over them today as well. They will eventually get the division, it just takes practice, practice, practice. Once they get it though, they will have it forever. Yay!

The kiddos voted for indoor recess this morning. They didn't want to go out in the cold. When, lining up for lunch recess later, I may have discovered why. MANY were not dressed for the weather. Please, please make sure your child leaves the house with a COAT (not pullover sweatshirt), hat and gloves. When it becomes really cold, students in my class will not be allowed to go outside to recess without a warm, heavy coat. If you need assistance obtaining one for your child, please stop by the office and talk with Mrs. Zimmerman or Mr. English for help. We have programs available. It is just too cold for kids to be cold. Thanks.

We created our states and capital's flashcards for the MidWest Region today in class. Kids will again need to be able to match these up on a test and identify the location of each of the 12 states. Remember, there is a word bank, so kids need not memorize the spelling of the states, unless you want them too. :0)

I am so pleased with the progress of my class. Each student is making growth academically. However, even more than that is their character. They are really beginning to believe in themselves and in each other. It is so awesome to see that right in front of my eyes each day! Thanks for sharing them with me!

Lastly, please meet our new student Alexis. She is now officially on the blog! Yay! Welcome to her and her family!
Have a wonderful night!