Monday, January 28, 2013

Who's Going Bananas Today? We Are!!!

Howdy! It was a great Monday here in E4.

We started the day off with our CC Meeting after gym class. Today, Rusty talked to the kids about why we have them do homework and chores! Of course it is to get smarter and help out, but there is another reason...Time Management. For homework tonight, each student is coming home with a weekly schedule spreadsheet. They need to fill in all their "happenings" for the week. They need to be as specific as possible. They can change the given times as needed. On Wednesday, Rusty has another item that they need to add in. Oh boy, where are they going to fit one more thing in their day??? Sounds like life to me! Please have your child discuss and show you their completed schedule. Talk about what they are missing and where. Have fun with it. If you do discuss this, please write SCHEDULE in the planner for $20 tomorrow.

Tyson shared all of his fun stuff for Star of the Week today. He is quite the Steelers fan, as he should be being born there!!! We had a lot of fun learning more about our friend. Next up, Ethan!

In reading, we started Unit 5 in Lead 21. It goes right along with the Midwest Unit we just finished in SS, so it is perfect. The kids will love learning even more about those fun states. We will also be reading a mystery novel as well. It will take us awhile to get through it due to time limits of Lead 21, but novels are so important to kids too. We will enjoy both. I will, of course, continue to read Petey aloud to them. Man, are they loving this book!!!!

We had our "Bitterroot Has Gone Bananas" assembly today. The Read-a-thon has officially started. Kids need to track their reading at home for the next ten days. All the information is on the envelope or inside it. Please read over it today. Kids may choose to get pledges to support Bitterroot if they choose. I know that you have been supporting all year long, so try to get friends or relatives on this one instead of you! :0) Kids need to bring back their SIGNED envelope daily to get their prizes. Those that bring it back filled out correctly, will earn $50 daily. We can win a banana split party for the class if we all read every single night!!!! Which also means we can't be absent that much! We can do it team Erickson!!!

We started Montana History today!!!!!! WoooooHoooooo!!!! The kids reminded me that we haven't done it since LAST year! Holy smokes 2012! We pressed on today remembering that when we left on everything was going well for the Natives. Now, we are going on to the Westward Expansion. This is where things started really going down hill for this group. We will take a in-depth look at what that looked like from all angles, especially the Native Americans. I am just so glad we are back in action, and so are the kiddos!

Tomorrow, we have two teachers from Round Up coming down to observe us for the day. They attended some of my workshops back in October during MEA conferences. They now want to see it all in action and take it back to do it in their school. CC we come. What an honor for these kiddos to show how taking just a few minutes a day can go a long way in a classroom! Awesome!

Keep sending in that Operation Cookie Drop Money. It is not due until Friday. $3.50. Thanks so much!

We will finish up snow-ology this week. Kids can make a snow globe if they want too. They just need to bring in a small figurine to glue inside their lid of the glass jar they brought last week. After drying for 24 hours, we will add the snow globe syrup and glitter. Walla...they have a treasure to remember all that they have learned. They can start to bring those in tomorrow. We will get them all done this week.

Well, I think that is about it for today. Have a wonderful night and enjoy the sun. COLD weather is expected later tomorrow along with more snow, so please remind kids to dress warm. Thanks.