Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Homework: READ, READ, READ!

Hi there.

I feel like I am always typing that today was a busy day, but man it is always busy in here. :0) Today, was no exception. Ask your child what their favorite part of their day was today. I bet they would say relaxing for five minutes on the floor and/or Hitting the Lewis and Clark Trail. All 4th graders got two fun sticker packs to put together as we go along the trail. We are learning soooooo much as we go. Ask your child one animal that Lewis and Clark discovered along the way today. If they can tell you, write it in the planner for $20 tomorrow.

Back to relaxing in class. Today, Rusty shared with us that relaxing is soooo important. Kids took the time to put it into their schedules that they made on Monday. They needed to add at least 5 minutes of relax time at least 3 times in their "work" week. Then, we practiced relaxing. We got  down on the floor and the time was set. We sat still on our backs and just breathed for five whole minutes. Minute one and two were KILLLER!!! I couldn't turn my mind off. But, then by minute three I was off to relaxation land. My challenge to you is....DO IT with them tonight. Lay down on their bed or floor and just sit. Don't listen to music, don't go through your to do list. Just sit still and breathe for five whole minutes! If you do this with them or on your own, write RELAX in the planner for $50 tomorrow. Enjoy!

The Read-A-Thon is going strong. So far we are in the lead. However, I have seen some pretty suspicious parent initials come past my desk. Remember: PARENTS must sign the initials, NOT the kids. By you signing, you are telling us that they really did read what they are saying they read. We talked about how we don't want to win something because we cheat. We want to win and feel absolutely proud of that accomplishment. WE all agreed to be honest, make any false corrections tonight, and get our sheets signed by parents today. We can do this the right way, and really enjoy that banana split party!!!! Go team Erickson!

Tomorrow is the last day to bring in a figurine for snow globes. It's optional but a fun way to wrap up Snow-ology. Tomorrow is also library. Please help bring in the books.

I leave you with a quote from one of my 4th graders. Her mom shared it with me last night. She says, " I wore my snowpants at lunch recess today and was a little cold. Then I see a 5th grader, who is supposed to be smarter than us 4th graders wearing a sweatshirt and freezing. I am glad that I had my snowpants." Well put Miss. Olivia! Please, I beg you, send your kiddos with warm clothes. It was 9 above at lunch so kids HAD to go out to play. Those little ears and hands were red, red, red! I know I hate doctor bills as much as you do, and I love having your kiddos at school each and every day. So, please help them remember what Olivia says. Thanks.

Have a wonderful, wonderful snowy night! Drive safe!