Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Back to Ms. Erickson Tomorrow!

Hello there. It was sooooo great to come to school today for the worm farm presentation. I sure have missed the kiddos! It was also fun for the class to be able to meet Beau. He wanted to go outside and play with them for recess but there just wasn't time. Next time. :0)

The presentation was very interesting. Who knew there was so many facts about worms? Like....what is a worm farmer actually called???? It stems from the word that means the study of worms. Say what??? Ask your child or google it, and write the name of it in the planner for $20 tomorrow.

Mr. Pertuit said the kids were just great! I am very proud of them. I did hear that they were so into their ecology reports that they forgot to do their spelling test and DOL today. Too funny! That is great that they were working that hard. No worries, there is always tomorrow. So....test tomorrow!

Well, that about says it all for today. More tomorrow when I know more. Have a great night!