Thursday, April 11, 2013
Happy Birthday Ethan!
Well, it was another great day in E4 land. Actually, it was a cartwheel down the hall day!!!!! I told kids that I have NEVER seen NWEA scores like the ones they did today!!! I am afraid the testing police are going to come arrest me and blame me for giving them the answers! They were THAT good. The expected growth for a 4th grader in math is 8 points. I had 15 students gain over 10, and 12 of those over 15!!!! Can you say.....OMG!!!! Ask your child what they scored today and what they started out with! These kids learned a TON this year in math! To be on level and ready for the 5th grade, students needed to be at least at a 211. Ask your child where they ended up. Next years teachers will use that data to determine how to help your child in the best possible way next year! I could not be MORE proud then I am right now! ONE PROUD TEACHER!!!! If your child is able to share with you about their scores, write the word PROUD in the planner for $100 tomorrow!
A big happy birthday to Ethan today! He brought some super yummy treats! He wanted everyone to get one, but unfortunately some kiddos again showed less than 4th grade choices so some went without. They sure were yummy though!!!!! Thanks Ethan!
We had a fun time with our 2nd grade buddies today. We wrote Cinquain poems about gummy worms. This was great practice for the 4th graders to learn how to write a Cinquian poem. They will be writing one about their real worms soon.
Well, I think that about does it. Thanks for all you do!!!!