Monday, April 15, 2013

Did You See the Grade Report???

Hi there. It seems we have a local celebrity in our class. Miss. Olivia was in the Billings Gazette. She was spotted having a great time at Chicks In Science this weekend. Awesome fun times!!!!

Today was a busy day. We started out with PE/Health. Kids are learning about illegal drugs there. This should be a review for these kiddos as we hit that pretty hard way back in Red Ribbon Week.

In CC, we continued on with our Owl story. However, we got so into watching a text to text connection (movie) that we didn't quite get to read today's chapter. I blame the boys. They wanted to watch, watch, watch. did I. LOVE the movie Sandlot. It was a great connection of how kids come up with solutions to their problems. We will find out how Billy and Bruce solve their owl problem tomorrow.

In Language Arts, we spent the entire 90 minutes on the computers. Kids found their food chain pictures, captured them, and slid them into a word document. They did awesome!!!! What great listeners I had this morning. We then moved onto making 5 wordles, capturing them, and sliding them into the same word document. Then we emailed them all to Ms. Erickson and printed them out on the color printer! Now, we have them ready for tomorrow's fun. Let the posters begin!

We took our first spelling test today. Kids have their corrected one with them to study tonight. Please spend some time with kiddos on this one. It is very different then they are used to, so they will be nervous. Really help them understand when to use which homophone by having discussions about which word to use. Today had its, it's, their, there, they're, and which. They will take test one for a grade, and test 2 for a study guide for tomorrow night.

We took some time to study our states and capitals of the Western states. The test will be on Friday. It will be the same format as always.

Permission slips came home today for the zoo field trip. If I marked that your child does not have my permission to attend then they will NOT be going. Their behavior choices need to change. Hopefully they may join us on the next one. If I marked this, you have heard from me in the past and/or had comments on the report card pertaining to behavior issues. Choices....consequences. If I didn't mark it, then they have my permission to go and I am soooooo proud of their 4th grade choices in class! Please return slips as soon as tomorrow, or as late as Friday. There is no real money cost for this trip.

We ended the day by finishing up our Winnie Finn, Worm Farmer story. Did she win the blue ribbon at the fair? Ask your kiddo and have them retell you the story. If they can, write FINN in the planner for $20 tomorrow.

I did send home grade reports last Friday with the kiddos. I wanted them to see their grades thus far. There are no missing assignments at this time!!!! Yay!!! If you did not see it, please ask them for it. If you did see it, please write GRADE in the planner for another $20 tomorrow.

Thanks so much! Have a wonderful night.