Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Rocked the Reading Test!!

Hi there. Well, our first day of our very last 4th grade Standardized testing is done. Kids took their reading tests today. This morning I gave them their score from when they took this test at the beginning of the 4th grade. We set two goals.

1. To be on grade level and ready for the 5th grade students should score at least a 207 on this test.
2. To show adequate growth, students should gain at least 6 points to their beginning score no matter what level they are starting on.

NWEA/MAP tests are on each students individual level. As they take it on the computer, it challenges them at their level based on if they get a previous question correct or incorrect. The majority of students in this class are on grade level. Some are below, so hopefully they will make more growth then the 6 required. We want them to get back up to grade level. So for example, if a student is starting out with a score of 187 (below level) we would want them to gain the 20 points needed to bring them back to the 207 (on grade level) rather than just the six. On the other hand, some students are above grade level (like 7th or 8th grade level). It will be VERY difficult for them to grow the 6 needed points because they are sooooooo high already. The questions become VERY difficult on their level. Many times these kiddos only gain one or two points, and sometimes none. Hopefully, they don't go backwards. The bottom line however, is that they are doing great no matter what they score. They are still above grade level. SOOOOOOOO, ask your child what their starting score was today (post it note) and what they scored on the test. If they did their BEST, then they passed the test regardless of what the numbers say! :0) Remember, this is just a test. It does NOT define your child. They should and you should be proud that they honestly did their very best!

Spring pictures arrived today. Lifetouch trusts you to view your child's picture and decide if you want to purchase them. The price list is inside. You may buy the entire packet or just pieces. Whatever you DO NOT buy, needs to come back to school. Please do this by next Friday. Thanks.

A couple of dates for your calendars at home and/or at work:

April 23rd-Worm Lady Presentation
April 30-Field Trip to the Zoo
May1-4th Grade Recorder Concert
May 15-Field Trip to Pompey's Pillar
May 31-Last Day of School, Noon Dismissal, and 4th Grade Bike Trip to the Park

(Watch for more details to come)

I noticed that many of you didn't read the blog yesterday (no code word), so I have added the mill levy information from Dr. Bouck again. If you already read it, please feel free to read it again or skip it. If you have or are reading it now, please write LEVY in the planner for $50 tomorrow. Mail in ballots will be coming in a couple of weeks. Please Vote.

Elementary Technology Levy Fact Sheet:

Every Elementary and Middle School Classroom will have:
*A teacher desktop or laptop
*Wireless Internet Access
*Interactive Projector and/or Whiteboard
*Document Camera

Every Elementary Grade Level in Every Building will have:
*Mobile Learning Devices for Students
*Assessment Tools
*Classroom Response Systems (Clickers)

Bitterroot will receive $26,324.91 annually forever. The levy is permanent.

How much will the tech levy cost taxpayers?

$100,000 home: $0.84 a month/$10.08 a year
$200,000 home: $1.68 a month/$20.16 a year.

How much will the General Fund Levy (Used to Hire New Teachers) cost taxpayers?

$100,000 home: $0.71 a month/$8.55 a year
$200,000 home: $1.43 a month/$17.10 a year. 

Well, that about sums it up. Have a wonderful night!