Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thank You Mother Nature!

Hi there!!!

First and foremost tonight's homework! ALL student MUST play outside! :0) Finally, the cold has come and gone and we can play, play, play outside. So, out they go. That is their only homework besides to study for the spelling and states and capital's test for tomorrow. We reviewed both in class today.

The ecosystem dioramas were super neat! It was fun to have the kids compare theirs to a different ecosystem of a friend. There was a TON of 4th grade effort shown. I am proud to display them in the hallway. We will rap up the reports early next week.

I am out tomorrow, Monday, and Tuesday. Mr. Pertuit will be here. There will be a blog post on Sunday. I told kiddos to be the best THEM while I am gone, and to make THEMSELVES proud. I know they will be great!

Have a wonderful night, weekend, and next few days.