Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Dioramas Due Tomorrow!

Hi there.

Wednesday was a great day. I am impressed how well the class has been keeping their letters as a class. We have yet to have to run any laps. Good thing too, as one minute our field is dry and the next is snowy and wet. Loving this weather though as a rancher. Man, we need all of this moisture and more.

Today we had a guest speaker in class. Julie was from NorthWest Energy. She came in and talked to the class about being careful around electricity found in power lines, lightning, and outlets in our homes. Kids also learned that when their family is going to do a project that requires them to dig they should dial a specific number to have someone come out and mark lines BEFORE digging. Ask your child what that number is. If they can share that with you, write it in the planner for $20. They also learned how to escape a car that has a power line down on it or around it. Have them show you this (like get up and show you show you). If they do, write the verb that they are doing when getting out of the car in the planner for another $20.

Due to the guest speaker, we only had time to take our spelling test. Therefore, there are no words to study tonight. We will take test 3, grade it tomorrow, and send it home tomorrow for study. Test 3 will be taken on Friday.

Dioramas are due tomorrow for my reading class. Please have kids bring them in, and they may bring them right down instead of taking them out to morning walk. We will enjoy looking at them and comparing our ecosystems with other group's ecosystem tomorrow. Our projects in class are coming right along. Hoping to finish those up in the next few days. When finished, they will be on display in the hallway.

I think that about does it. Have a great night!