Thursday, August 30, 2012

Better Day!

Well, it started off to the be a better day, but I think our absolutely HILARIOUS minute to win it team building activity got us all crazy again, even me!!! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. I will post the pics tonight by 5. I have a meeting today at 3:30 and won't be able to do it till after that, so check back. :0)

A couple of things from the desk of Mr. English:

1. Kids MUST have helmets when riding their bikes. Starting tomorrow, if they do not have a helmet on their head they will have to leave their bike at school and walk home. Parents may come to school and pick up the bike when they can. Our office is open until 5. This is a city LAW, not a Bitterroot one.

2. There is not school on Monday. Kids are back in class on Tuesday.

3. Older kids are needed to help out in the lunch room. A sign up sheet was up today. Kids that are selected to work will miss their lunch recess on their day. By the looks of how many signed up today, they will probably work only once a quarter. If they do give their time, there is a pizza party at the end of each quarter.

There is a sub tomorrow. I will not blog again until Monday night. Please remind kids to be on their best behavior tomorrow for Mr. Brown.

Homework: Place and Value Worksheet. Kids MUST read each number to you tonight. You need to sign the bottom of the sheet if they do. Spelling test tomorrow. ARe they ready????

Have a great long weekend!!!!