Hello. What a fun Thursday. The days are just flying by with our new rotations in math and reading, and I am loving that they are loving learning. They keep saying math is fun! Music to my ears!!!
This morning in CC meeting, Rusty was talking about negative feelings. He taught us that if we hold onto them for too long, they can create a bad mood. This can then lead to things like depression. So, I had each kiddo write down one thing that they are holding onto in their hearts. I asked them if just writing it down and getting it on paper helped them. Many responded yes. Great strategy. Then, we had to let those feelings go. So, after a quick fun snowball war, we each took a turn at the garbage. Before we SLAM DUNKED them, we all said this phrase in our minds. I am forever letting go of _____. I gave them the example of I am forever letting go of my dad divorcing my mom. Then, the kids SLAM dunked it! And, man did they SLAM DUNK them. Wow, there was some raw emotions there. Ask your child about this. I don't want them to have to tell you what they wrote, but I would like them to share how they felt. What a great strategy to use at home when needed. Write SLAM DUNK in the planner if you have a discussion about this for $20 tomorrow.
Have a great, great night!