Thursday, August 30, 2012

Better Day!

Well, it started off to the be a better day, but I think our absolutely HILARIOUS minute to win it team building activity got us all crazy again, even me!!! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. I will post the pics tonight by 5. I have a meeting today at 3:30 and won't be able to do it till after that, so check back. :0)

A couple of things from the desk of Mr. English:

1. Kids MUST have helmets when riding their bikes. Starting tomorrow, if they do not have a helmet on their head they will have to leave their bike at school and walk home. Parents may come to school and pick up the bike when they can. Our office is open until 5. This is a city LAW, not a Bitterroot one.

2. There is not school on Monday. Kids are back in class on Tuesday.

3. Older kids are needed to help out in the lunch room. A sign up sheet was up today. Kids that are selected to work will miss their lunch recess on their day. By the looks of how many signed up today, they will probably work only once a quarter. If they do give their time, there is a pizza party at the end of each quarter.

There is a sub tomorrow. I will not blog again until Monday night. Please remind kids to be on their best behavior tomorrow for Mr. Brown.

Homework: Place and Value Worksheet. Kids MUST read each number to you tonight. You need to sign the bottom of the sheet if they do. Spelling test tomorrow. ARe they ready????

Have a great long weekend!!!!


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Way to Loud Wednesday!

Hi there. WAY TOOOOOOO MUCH TALKING IN CLASS!!!!!  Please chat with your child and make a list of appropriate times they think they can talk and not appropriate times. We talked A LOT today about when our feet are moving, our mouths don't have to. We are losing SOOOOOO much learning time. This is day 6, and it is time to get going. Please, please, please talk tonight. If you do, write the word TALK in the planner for $50.

Tomorrow is our team building activity. It is normally Friday, but I am not going to do that to my sub. So, tomorrow kids can buy into that if they have $100 in their wallet. Fun!

Tomorrow, we will also see our first star of the week...Andrew!!! Can't wait to see what he brings to share with the class. Love learning about their outside lives.

Homework tonight: Math-Expanded Form. They may check answers with a calculator. Spelling-Skill sheet front and back.

Please feel free to check over homework and have kids make corrections. This is a home-school connection.

We played a game in spelling today. It is somewhat apparent that we need to study those words at home. So, if you study tonight please write the word SPELLING in planner for another $20 tomorrow.

Lastly, thank goodness we are getting cooler tomorrow!!!! I bet your kids are coming home exhausted! :0)

Have a great night!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Coke or Pepsi????

Hi there. Another great day. Tuesdays are the long day. We have NOOOOOO specialists. So, I have to blog after school, so it may not be up until the 4 o'clock time I mentioned.

This morning we met our new counselor. Her name is Mrs. Neese. She is FANTASTIC!!!! She came in and talked to the kids about her job here at Bitterroot. The picture of her above is kinda silly, but don't let that fool ya, she rocks!!! She had the kids engaged the entire time. Drop in and say hi to her the next time you are in the building.

I am HAPPY to say that our Me on the Map projects are done and about to be in the hallway on display. They learned a ton about who they are and where they are. It was kinda cool for them to see that not only do they live on their street, but that they live in Billings, in Montana, In the US, on North America, on Earth ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!!! Cool! Now they can say that they have been in six places at once. Enjoy them in the hall.

We started science today. We are introducing the scientific method and its steps. Today we did a fun lab seeing if the kids could identify Coke from Pepsi. Most could!!! The purpose however, was to go through the steps of the scientific method. As you can see above, they had fun smelling, looking, feeling, and tasting the drinks before we revealed the secrets!!! We will be doing a few more this week and next. Mr. English even wants to come do one with the 4th graders next week!!! Super cool!! He used to be a science teacher in high school. Which do you prefer? Coke or Pepsi? Write it in the planner for a $20 bonus tomorrow.

All kids had their homework done today except one. That is FANTABULOUS!!!! Great work. Tonight, I want to see if we have mastered subtraction with regrouping so we can work on division. They have a sheet stamped HOMEWORK in their take home folder. It is due tomorrow morning.

Keep on studying those spelling words. Tomorrow, we will play a game to help them too. This week, we are doing the book work together to teach the strategies and how to's. Next week, they will be on their own. Book work is part of their spelling grade along with the weekly Friday test.

Speaking of Friday, I will be gone. My regular sub, Mr. Brown will be here. He has stopped in twice now to see how we run our classroom. The kids will do great. I have a family wedding in Minnesota to go to over the long weekend. Remember, there is not school next Monday. School resumes on that Tuesday. I will blog on that Monday upon my return.

Lastly, you will see Emily and McKenzy sharing their Monster High Dolls. They bought the reward coupon to share with the class. Tomorrow, I will eat with all the kids that bought Lunch with the Teacher. I will provide dessert. Hmmm....what to bring???? :0)

Have a great night, and don't forget those tennis shoes for gym tomorrow.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Marvelous Monday!!!

Hi there. First off, I just want to thank you all for reading the blog! Wow!!!! I totally appreciate you taking the time to find out what is happening in school. Awesome!!!!

Today was a full day. We started right off the bat with PE and Health. Then, we went into our morning CC meeting. Today we talked about filling people's buckets by saying and doing nice things for others. We all made our own bucket and hung it up. Above you can see the display. Each day/night, kids are encouraged to write out some bucket slips and drop them into other people's buckets. On Friday, we will pass them out and read them each week. Above, you will also see the poster we made about how to be a bucket filler or a dreaded bucket dipper. This lesson will help your child make positive thoughts consume their mind and to ignore dipper thoughts. What a fun book!

We started spelling and language today. To the right, you will find Unit 1 spelling words. Kids will be tested on all 20 basic words this Friday. The challenge words also need to be studied. One will be selected as the bonus word and will cancel out one answer they get wrong if they spell it correctly. In language, we learned the 4 types of sentences and how to identify them. We practice them as well. Each week, students will do this on Monday in class. They get to learn them very quickly. If your child can tell you one of the types of sentences, write what they say in the planner for a $20 bonus tomorrow.

After lunch, the kids had art class. This was new to them, as they have never had art before. They began to create their art folders.

Then we ventured into math. The kids learned place value, value, standard form, expanded form, and word form. We practiced all of these. The kids have homework tonight in math. It is a multiplication sheet. It is stamped homework on the top. It is due tomorrow, and yes they have to color it correctly. I told them to take home needed supplies. This should be a review from 3rd grade and little to no help should be given.

We ended the day finishing our Me on the Map flipbooks. Students watched a youtube about America and it's symbols. They then had to find pictures in magazines and create a collage about their country... The United States of America. See the fun pictures above of those that wanted them on the blog!

Lastly, some of you are texting me or emailing me messages to give to your child, like to walk home or to go with grandma. Please don't do this. I don't always check these in the day, and it is very risky. The best way for these types of messages is to call the front office and they will get your child the message. All other things...please email/text away!!! Loving all the communication!!!!

Have a super great night!!!!

HOMEWORK: Dragon Multiplication Review

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Finishing Up Strong!

Hi there. I hope you had a great weekend. I know after the first hot week, I needed a couple of days to just cool down and regroup. Now, we head into week two and we will be in full swing. We will begin math, reading, language, spelling, and science. We will also continue with Social Studies as well. Kids will have homework starting Monday. Remember, it will be stamped homework across the top and should come home in their take home folder. It should take no longer than 30 minutes. Also remember that if kids don't finish their classwork in class, they will also be required to take that home. Please let me know right away if your child is spending more than the 30 minutes at home. Together, we can get to the bottom of things. A new week and a weekend of reflection has also brought the 4th grade team to the conclusion of needing to tweak the money system already. Both Mrs. Hankin's and I talked and agreed that we are going to go back to the old system. The coupons and weekly money turn in just takes too much precious teaching/learning time. is the new plan. The kids will have their $500 start up money in their wallets on Monday. This is all the free money they will receive for the quarter. Now, it is up to them to earn the needed money for the buy in opportunities. Each student can potentially earn at least $150.00 each week. That is NOT including the bonus money on the blog each day. With that, they could earn up to $250 a week. That is more than enough to be able to buy into all the fun activities we offer. We will still do the Fun Friday Team Building Activity. It will cost $100 a week to buy into. Students will also have to save up for upcoming field trips (We have two coming up in October). They will be $500 each to buy into. Again, that should not be a problem if they are making positive choices. Those that talk out a lot and do not complete there homework or get their planner signed will have a tougher time earning all that they need. This is the essential ingredients to making the money system work as an effective behavior management program. Choices=Consequences. Quarterly, we will also have a store or other way to spend extra money. It will be at the end of each quarter. We will then start over each quarter with the $500 start up money giving kids fresh starts if needed. Both Mrs. Hankin's and I feel this system is more fair for those that earn more than some for always making the right choice and it is more productive in the classroom. If you have read this change, please write MONEY in your child's planner for a $20 bonus on Monday. Those that bought reward coupons last week, which was EVERYONE!!!!, do not have to worry. Those will still be honored. And, the coupons will reappear again in the quarterly store along with other goodies. Thanks for your understanding on this and flexibility in the system. Above, you will see your child in action once again. First off, Happy Birthday to Olivia!!!! She had some yummy blue frosted cookies she sold to her classmates for $20 each. She raked in the money!!! You will also so us outside playing Pirate Ball with Mrs. Hankin's class for our first Team Building Activity last Friday. As you can see, they had a great time. Popsicles cooled us off at the end! Lastly, you will see two students creating their planet Earth projects for SS. I purposely didn't show you the end result to entice you to check out the hall display during Open House coming up. Date to be announced soon. They had to shake, shake, shake the paint and marbles in the box like they were shaking a Christmas present. Mr. English sent home a letter last week about school arrival time. Please don't bring your child to school and drop them off early. Mr. English is really going to crack down on this, and will go to the extreme to ensure that kids are not left outside unsupervised. He understands that parents have to work early, but he needs you to make arrangements with other kids to carpool to school on time. I, personally, would hate to see police on campus. That is not a great way to start the school day. So, lets just make sure that kids arrive no earlier than 7:45 IF they are eating breakfast. Others should be dropped off at 8:10 outside at our morning walk. They should not be dropped off at the front door. Thanks in advance. Questions??? Please call Mr. English. Those of you that attended the Bitterroot Family Movie Night, Enchanted, please write the word MOVIE in the planner for a $50 bonus. Thanks for supporting our schools! HOMEWORK: We read the story Chrysanthiumum today in class. We learned about a little mouse that was teased about her name. In the end, they all wanted a name just like hers. We talked about how when our parents named us, they knew it was the absolute perfect name for a perfect baby. So, we want to share those stories in class on Monday. Your child has a neon index card with a homework assignment on it for YOU!!! Please complete it and return it with your child tomorrow. There is also an emergency information sheet that needs to be checked and updated by you. This is for the office records. It is VERY important that we have accurate information at all times. Thanks. PE tomorrow. Please remind your child to wear tennis shoes and bring a fresh water bottle with ice. 90s again tomorrow and smokey air. Urg. Not a good mix. Well, that about wraps it up. Thanks for all your amazing texts of encouraging words this past week. It only makes me work harder when I hear those words from parents. I truly am blessed to work at a job that really isn't a job at all for is a passion. Have a blessed Sunday and Cya tomorrow.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day Two...AWESOME!!!

Hi there! Happy Thursday!!!!

We had another GREAT day today. These kids are really working hard on showing me they really are 4th graders. It is hot, so I am giving a lot more grace than normal on the talking and tiredness, but overall they are impressing me.

That being said, some kids did lose money today for talking and/or not doing the right thing. I am REALLY hoping that ALL kids get to join us for our first Friday Fun Team Building activity tomorrow. I am also hoping ALL kids get to buy a reward coupon of their choice tomorrow for having more than the needed $500. I have given away a TON of cash this week so if they have been making positive choices, they really have no reason to not be joining in.

Thank you for returning all the signed forms today. You ROCK!!! I know it is tiresome as I too had to fill them all out TWICE for my kids at home. Kills me to see so much wasted paper for families with dual/triple kids in a family. I plan to take action on that one to prevent it next year. But, it is what it is right now. I appreciate all of you getting it in.

Today, we finished up our Kissing Hand Projects. Kids should have brought them home as a gift for you. On the back, you will find an explanation note and a request for a family/friend picture. They may bring it/them in and I will hang them up on our Friends and Family board in the classroom. This helps when kids need to just see mom, dad, brother, sister, or friends face to motivate them to hang in there. Kids may start bringing those in tomorrow. If your child can show you their Kissing Hand Project draw a heart in the planner by your signature for a $20 bonus tomorrow at check in.

This afternoon, we began our Me on the Map project for Social Studies. Above, you will see a part of it. The kids had to pose like they are holding a heavy object. It will become part of their project. The projects will be out in the hall for display during our Open House coming up in September.

Lastly, today we read a book called, Agate, What Good Is a Moose? Ask your child what they learned about Agate the moose. If they can tell you at least two things, write MOOSE in the planner by your signature for another $20 bonus tomorrow at check in. Pretty cool book about self esteem and not judging a book by its cover.

HOMEWORK: Tonight kids need to give you their Kissing Hand projects and have you read the back. Please look for a picture of family or friends for them to bring in tomorrow or soon.

Have a WONDERFUL evening!!!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Water Bottles Please!

Hi there! What a FANTASTIC first day. We came in and introduced ourselves and shared our first day feeling. It was a pretty even mix of happy, nervous, tired, and EXCITED! Then we had PE with Mrs. Buss. Today, they learned about the playground equipment and games they can play at recess. After that, took about two hours going through supplies, labeling them, and putting them away. Those that need supplies need to get those before Monday please. Almost all students remembered their $3.50 for their planner. Those that did not, I gave it to them anyway knowing that the money will come in by next Monday.

I wrote you a letter and mailed it to your house before school started. I asked that the last page come back today. Most students did that. If your child did not I wrote you a note in the planner and gave them another copy of the letter. Please return it tomorrow. I have included a few pictures of the kids creating their abstract backgrounds for their Kissing Hand project we started today. Don't see your child??? I must be waiting for their permission slip to photographed for the blog. (I could not upload the one with Kenzie on it, but I did take one! :0))

After lunch, we went over the money system and all of our classroom procedures. Then we had music with Mr. Goodheart.

After recess, we watched the story The Kissing Hand using a youtube. We then did our very super cool painting kissing hand project! Then, it was time to go home. Wow! What a fast day!!!!

Kids know that tomorrow when they come in they need to "get their ducks in a row." Ask them what this idiom means. If they can tell you, write the word DUCK in the planner for a $20 bonus tomorrow when I check planners. Speaking of planners, make sure you sign in the Parent Message box your signature saying you saw and read the daily planner.

PLEASE have your child bring a water bottle every day. It is SOOOOO hot in our room. Today, I ran to Walmart to buy some for those that did not have one. Please purchase one that will last. They need to bring it home each day to refil and wash out. Plus, then they can add ice and have it cold. This is very important as I don't allow drinking fountain drinks in class. Thanks in advance!

HOMEWORK tonight: Have parents read and sign all the needed first day paperwork. On top of each sheet the kids should have written "Stays Home" or Come Back $50." They need to return the ones that say come back to school tomorrow. If they do, they will earn $50 for each one.

Have an amazing night! Cya tomorrow!!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Meet the Teacher Night!

Hi there. It was so GREAT to meet so many of you!!!! Thank you for coming in. For those that brought in their supplies, I went ahead and collected the kleenex, wipes, and ziplock bags. They go on our back shelf, so I just got that part done. The rest of the supplies are still on their desks ready to label and put away tomorrow. Thanks for bringing those in, it really helps to get ahead of the game. Those that didn' worries. Just bring them in tomorrow. YES TOMORROW!!! We start TOMORROW! :0) Those that did attend last night, will earn $50 in class money tomorrow to add to their wallet!

We have gym right off the bat tomorrow so save those fancy new shoes and flip flops for Thursday. Ladies, probably not the right day to show off that pretty new dress either. Mrs. Buss is ready to go!

Thanks to those that brought in their money to buy your planner last night as well. Those that did will earn $50 in class money tomorrow to add to their fake money in their wallet. Great work!! Those that still need to take this step, just remember your $3.50 tomorrow. Students will need their planner starting tomorrow. Thanks.

Lastly, if your child turned in their last page to the letter sent to your home to me last night, they will earn another $50. Wow that is $150 in one shot!!! Those that did not, please return tomorrow with your child and they will also earn this reward.

Thanks again for taking the time to come in and just meet me and look around. We are going to have a GREAT first day tomorrow. Cya at 8:25 tomorrow morning if not before.


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Welcome 4th Graders and Parents!

Hi there! Welcome to Ms. Erickson's 4th grade blog for the 2012-2013 academic year. I am so excited to get going, but dreading sharing my own kids with school time once again. Summer always seems to fly by.

If you are reading this, you probably received my "before school starts" letter in the mail. Thank you so much for reading it. There will be a TON of paperwork to read, fill out, and return on the first day of school (Wednesday the 22nd of August). That is why I mailed you mine early, hoping you would have time to really sit down and read it. Again, thank you.

There is a Back to School, Meet the teacher and have some ice cream night this coming Monday, Aug. 20th, from 5-6. It is a night to just come in, drop off supplies, buy a planner ($3.50), sign up for PTA memberships, meet me, say hi to old friends, have some free ice cream, and look around. You can drop in anytime during that hour. I can't wait to meet all of you!

Now that you have found the blog, please bookmark it for easy access. It will be VERY important that you read it each day/night. I feel it is important to communicate to you daily, and this is how I do it. Thanks in advance for seeing the importance of this tool too. This blog is mainly for you, the parents/guardians, but kids are also welcome and encouraged to read it as well. I will warn you in advance. This is not a perfect blog. There will be typos and incorrect grammar/spelling. I do this daily in a 15 minute time frame and do not have time to edit it. Please read it for knowledge and not for perfection. Thanks! :0)

Have a wonderful rest of the summer! I will see you all very soon.