Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day Two...AWESOME!!!

Hi there! Happy Thursday!!!!

We had another GREAT day today. These kids are really working hard on showing me they really are 4th graders. It is hot, so I am giving a lot more grace than normal on the talking and tiredness, but overall they are impressing me.

That being said, some kids did lose money today for talking and/or not doing the right thing. I am REALLY hoping that ALL kids get to join us for our first Friday Fun Team Building activity tomorrow. I am also hoping ALL kids get to buy a reward coupon of their choice tomorrow for having more than the needed $500. I have given away a TON of cash this week so if they have been making positive choices, they really have no reason to not be joining in.

Thank you for returning all the signed forms today. You ROCK!!! I know it is tiresome as I too had to fill them all out TWICE for my kids at home. Kills me to see so much wasted paper for families with dual/triple kids in a family. I plan to take action on that one to prevent it next year. But, it is what it is right now. I appreciate all of you getting it in.

Today, we finished up our Kissing Hand Projects. Kids should have brought them home as a gift for you. On the back, you will find an explanation note and a request for a family/friend picture. They may bring it/them in and I will hang them up on our Friends and Family board in the classroom. This helps when kids need to just see mom, dad, brother, sister, or friends face to motivate them to hang in there. Kids may start bringing those in tomorrow. If your child can show you their Kissing Hand Project draw a heart in the planner by your signature for a $20 bonus tomorrow at check in.

This afternoon, we began our Me on the Map project for Social Studies. Above, you will see a part of it. The kids had to pose like they are holding a heavy object. It will become part of their project. The projects will be out in the hall for display during our Open House coming up in September.

Lastly, today we read a book called, Agate, What Good Is a Moose? Ask your child what they learned about Agate the moose. If they can tell you at least two things, write MOOSE in the planner by your signature for another $20 bonus tomorrow at check in. Pretty cool book about self esteem and not judging a book by its cover.

HOMEWORK: Tonight kids need to give you their Kissing Hand projects and have you read the back. Please look for a picture of family or friends for them to bring in tomorrow or soon.

Have a WONDERFUL evening!!!!