Thursday, August 16, 2012

Welcome 4th Graders and Parents!

Hi there! Welcome to Ms. Erickson's 4th grade blog for the 2012-2013 academic year. I am so excited to get going, but dreading sharing my own kids with school time once again. Summer always seems to fly by.

If you are reading this, you probably received my "before school starts" letter in the mail. Thank you so much for reading it. There will be a TON of paperwork to read, fill out, and return on the first day of school (Wednesday the 22nd of August). That is why I mailed you mine early, hoping you would have time to really sit down and read it. Again, thank you.

There is a Back to School, Meet the teacher and have some ice cream night this coming Monday, Aug. 20th, from 5-6. It is a night to just come in, drop off supplies, buy a planner ($3.50), sign up for PTA memberships, meet me, say hi to old friends, have some free ice cream, and look around. You can drop in anytime during that hour. I can't wait to meet all of you!

Now that you have found the blog, please bookmark it for easy access. It will be VERY important that you read it each day/night. I feel it is important to communicate to you daily, and this is how I do it. Thanks in advance for seeing the importance of this tool too. This blog is mainly for you, the parents/guardians, but kids are also welcome and encouraged to read it as well. I will warn you in advance. This is not a perfect blog. There will be typos and incorrect grammar/spelling. I do this daily in a 15 minute time frame and do not have time to edit it. Please read it for knowledge and not for perfection. Thanks! :0)

Have a wonderful rest of the summer! I will see you all very soon.