Hi there. Another great day. Tuesdays are the long day. We have NOOOOOO specialists. So, I have to blog after school, so it may not be up until the 4 o'clock time I mentioned.
This morning we met our new counselor. Her name is Mrs. Neese. She is FANTASTIC!!!! She came in and talked to the kids about her job here at Bitterroot. The picture of her above is kinda silly, but don't let that fool ya, she rocks!!! She had the kids engaged the entire time. Drop in and say hi to her the next time you are in the building.
I am HAPPY to say that our Me on the Map projects are done and about to be in the hallway on display. They learned a ton about who they are and where they are. It was kinda cool for them to see that not only do they live on their street, but that they live in Billings, in Montana, In the US, on North America, on Earth ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!!! Cool! Now they can say that they have been in six places at once. Enjoy them in the hall.
We started science today. We are introducing the scientific method and its steps. Today we did a fun lab seeing if the kids could identify Coke from Pepsi. Most could!!! The purpose however, was to go through the steps of the scientific method. As you can see above, they had fun smelling, looking, feeling, and tasting the drinks before we revealed the secrets!!! We will be doing a few more this week and next. Mr. English even wants to come do one with the 4th graders next week!!! Super cool!! He used to be a science teacher in high school. Which do you prefer? Coke or Pepsi? Write it in the planner for a $20 bonus tomorrow.
All kids had their homework done today except one. That is FANTABULOUS!!!! Great work. Tonight, I want to see if we have mastered subtraction with regrouping so we can work on division. They have a sheet stamped HOMEWORK in their take home folder. It is due tomorrow morning.
Keep on studying those spelling words. Tomorrow, we will play a game to help them too. This week, we are doing the book work together to teach the strategies and how to's. Next week, they will be on their own. Book work is part of their spelling grade along with the weekly Friday test.
Speaking of Friday, I will be gone. My regular sub, Mr. Brown will be here. He has stopped in twice now to see how we run our classroom. The kids will do great. I have a family wedding in Minnesota to go to over the long weekend. Remember, there is not school next Monday. School resumes on that Tuesday. I will blog on that Monday upon my return.
Lastly, you will see Emily and McKenzy sharing their Monster High Dolls. They bought the reward coupon to share with the class. Tomorrow, I will eat with all the kids that bought Lunch with the Teacher. I will provide dessert. Hmmm....what to bring???? :0)
Have a great night, and don't forget those tennis shoes for gym tomorrow.