Hi there! What a FANTASTIC first day. We came in and introduced ourselves and shared our first day feeling. It was a pretty even mix of happy, nervous, tired, and EXCITED! Then we had PE with Mrs. Buss. Today, they learned about the playground equipment and games they can play at recess. After that, took about two hours going through supplies, labeling them, and putting them away. Those that need supplies need to get those before Monday please. Almost all students remembered their $3.50 for their planner. Those that did not, I gave it to them anyway knowing that the money will come in by next Monday.
I wrote you a letter and mailed it to your house before school started. I asked that the last page come back today. Most students did that. If your child did not I wrote you a note in the planner and gave them another copy of the letter. Please return it tomorrow. I have included a few pictures of the kids creating their abstract backgrounds for their Kissing Hand project we started today. Don't see your child??? I must be waiting for their permission slip to photographed for the blog. (I could not upload the one with Kenzie on it, but I did take one! :0))
After lunch, we went over the money system and all of our classroom procedures. Then we had music with Mr. Goodheart.
After recess, we watched the story The Kissing Hand using a youtube. We then did our very super cool painting kissing hand project! Then, it was time to go home. Wow! What a fast day!!!!
Kids know that tomorrow when they come in they need to "get their ducks in a row." Ask them what this idiom means. If they can tell you, write the word DUCK in the planner for a $20 bonus tomorrow when I check planners. Speaking of planners, make sure you sign in the Parent Message box your signature saying you saw and read the daily planner.
PLEASE have your child bring a water bottle every day. It is SOOOOO hot in our room. Today, I ran to Walmart to buy some for those that did not have one. Please purchase one that will last. They need to bring it home each day to refil and wash out. Plus, then they can add ice and have it cold. This is very important as I don't allow drinking fountain drinks in class. Thanks in advance!
HOMEWORK tonight: Have parents read and sign all the needed first day paperwork. On top of each sheet the kids should have written "Stays Home" or Come Back $50." They need to return the ones that say come back to school tomorrow. If they do, they will earn $50 for each one.
Have an amazing night! Cya tomorrow!!!!