Monday, August 27, 2012

Marvelous Monday!!!

Hi there. First off, I just want to thank you all for reading the blog! Wow!!!! I totally appreciate you taking the time to find out what is happening in school. Awesome!!!!

Today was a full day. We started right off the bat with PE and Health. Then, we went into our morning CC meeting. Today we talked about filling people's buckets by saying and doing nice things for others. We all made our own bucket and hung it up. Above you can see the display. Each day/night, kids are encouraged to write out some bucket slips and drop them into other people's buckets. On Friday, we will pass them out and read them each week. Above, you will also see the poster we made about how to be a bucket filler or a dreaded bucket dipper. This lesson will help your child make positive thoughts consume their mind and to ignore dipper thoughts. What a fun book!

We started spelling and language today. To the right, you will find Unit 1 spelling words. Kids will be tested on all 20 basic words this Friday. The challenge words also need to be studied. One will be selected as the bonus word and will cancel out one answer they get wrong if they spell it correctly. In language, we learned the 4 types of sentences and how to identify them. We practice them as well. Each week, students will do this on Monday in class. They get to learn them very quickly. If your child can tell you one of the types of sentences, write what they say in the planner for a $20 bonus tomorrow.

After lunch, the kids had art class. This was new to them, as they have never had art before. They began to create their art folders.

Then we ventured into math. The kids learned place value, value, standard form, expanded form, and word form. We practiced all of these. The kids have homework tonight in math. It is a multiplication sheet. It is stamped homework on the top. It is due tomorrow, and yes they have to color it correctly. I told them to take home needed supplies. This should be a review from 3rd grade and little to no help should be given.

We ended the day finishing our Me on the Map flipbooks. Students watched a youtube about America and it's symbols. They then had to find pictures in magazines and create a collage about their country... The United States of America. See the fun pictures above of those that wanted them on the blog!

Lastly, some of you are texting me or emailing me messages to give to your child, like to walk home or to go with grandma. Please don't do this. I don't always check these in the day, and it is very risky. The best way for these types of messages is to call the front office and they will get your child the message. All other things...please email/text away!!! Loving all the communication!!!!

Have a super great night!!!!

HOMEWORK: Dragon Multiplication Review