Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Meet the Teacher Night!

Hi there. It was so GREAT to meet so many of you!!!! Thank you for coming in. For those that brought in their supplies, I went ahead and collected the kleenex, wipes, and ziplock bags. They go on our back shelf, so I just got that part done. The rest of the supplies are still on their desks ready to label and put away tomorrow. Thanks for bringing those in, it really helps to get ahead of the game. Those that didn't...no worries. Just bring them in tomorrow. YES TOMORROW!!! We start TOMORROW! :0) Those that did attend last night, will earn $50 in class money tomorrow to add to their wallet!

We have gym right off the bat tomorrow so save those fancy new shoes and flip flops for Thursday. Ladies, probably not the right day to show off that pretty new dress either. Mrs. Buss is ready to go!

Thanks to those that brought in their money to buy your planner last night as well. Those that did will earn $50 in class money tomorrow to add to their fake money in their wallet. Great work!! Those that still need to take this step, just remember your $3.50 tomorrow. Students will need their planner starting tomorrow. Thanks.

Lastly, if your child turned in their last page to the letter sent to your home to me last night, they will earn another $50. Wow that is $150 in one shot!!! Those that did not, please return tomorrow with your child and they will also earn this reward.

Thanks again for taking the time to come in and just meet me and look around. We are going to have a GREAT first day tomorrow. Cya at 8:25 tomorrow morning if not before.