Saturday, August 25, 2012

Finishing Up Strong!

Hi there. I hope you had a great weekend. I know after the first hot week, I needed a couple of days to just cool down and regroup. Now, we head into week two and we will be in full swing. We will begin math, reading, language, spelling, and science. We will also continue with Social Studies as well. Kids will have homework starting Monday. Remember, it will be stamped homework across the top and should come home in their take home folder. It should take no longer than 30 minutes. Also remember that if kids don't finish their classwork in class, they will also be required to take that home. Please let me know right away if your child is spending more than the 30 minutes at home. Together, we can get to the bottom of things. A new week and a weekend of reflection has also brought the 4th grade team to the conclusion of needing to tweak the money system already. Both Mrs. Hankin's and I talked and agreed that we are going to go back to the old system. The coupons and weekly money turn in just takes too much precious teaching/learning time. is the new plan. The kids will have their $500 start up money in their wallets on Monday. This is all the free money they will receive for the quarter. Now, it is up to them to earn the needed money for the buy in opportunities. Each student can potentially earn at least $150.00 each week. That is NOT including the bonus money on the blog each day. With that, they could earn up to $250 a week. That is more than enough to be able to buy into all the fun activities we offer. We will still do the Fun Friday Team Building Activity. It will cost $100 a week to buy into. Students will also have to save up for upcoming field trips (We have two coming up in October). They will be $500 each to buy into. Again, that should not be a problem if they are making positive choices. Those that talk out a lot and do not complete there homework or get their planner signed will have a tougher time earning all that they need. This is the essential ingredients to making the money system work as an effective behavior management program. Choices=Consequences. Quarterly, we will also have a store or other way to spend extra money. It will be at the end of each quarter. We will then start over each quarter with the $500 start up money giving kids fresh starts if needed. Both Mrs. Hankin's and I feel this system is more fair for those that earn more than some for always making the right choice and it is more productive in the classroom. If you have read this change, please write MONEY in your child's planner for a $20 bonus on Monday. Those that bought reward coupons last week, which was EVERYONE!!!!, do not have to worry. Those will still be honored. And, the coupons will reappear again in the quarterly store along with other goodies. Thanks for your understanding on this and flexibility in the system. Above, you will see your child in action once again. First off, Happy Birthday to Olivia!!!! She had some yummy blue frosted cookies she sold to her classmates for $20 each. She raked in the money!!! You will also so us outside playing Pirate Ball with Mrs. Hankin's class for our first Team Building Activity last Friday. As you can see, they had a great time. Popsicles cooled us off at the end! Lastly, you will see two students creating their planet Earth projects for SS. I purposely didn't show you the end result to entice you to check out the hall display during Open House coming up. Date to be announced soon. They had to shake, shake, shake the paint and marbles in the box like they were shaking a Christmas present. Mr. English sent home a letter last week about school arrival time. Please don't bring your child to school and drop them off early. Mr. English is really going to crack down on this, and will go to the extreme to ensure that kids are not left outside unsupervised. He understands that parents have to work early, but he needs you to make arrangements with other kids to carpool to school on time. I, personally, would hate to see police on campus. That is not a great way to start the school day. So, lets just make sure that kids arrive no earlier than 7:45 IF they are eating breakfast. Others should be dropped off at 8:10 outside at our morning walk. They should not be dropped off at the front door. Thanks in advance. Questions??? Please call Mr. English. Those of you that attended the Bitterroot Family Movie Night, Enchanted, please write the word MOVIE in the planner for a $50 bonus. Thanks for supporting our schools! HOMEWORK: We read the story Chrysanthiumum today in class. We learned about a little mouse that was teased about her name. In the end, they all wanted a name just like hers. We talked about how when our parents named us, they knew it was the absolute perfect name for a perfect baby. So, we want to share those stories in class on Monday. Your child has a neon index card with a homework assignment on it for YOU!!! Please complete it and return it with your child tomorrow. There is also an emergency information sheet that needs to be checked and updated by you. This is for the office records. It is VERY important that we have accurate information at all times. Thanks. PE tomorrow. Please remind your child to wear tennis shoes and bring a fresh water bottle with ice. 90s again tomorrow and smokey air. Urg. Not a good mix. Well, that about wraps it up. Thanks for all your amazing texts of encouraging words this past week. It only makes me work harder when I hear those words from parents. I truly am blessed to work at a job that really isn't a job at all for is a passion. Have a blessed Sunday and Cya tomorrow.