Wednesday, October 31, 2012


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Hi there. Happy Halloween!!! Be safe out there tonight! 

Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes and gifts. How sweet! 

Thanks also for all the holy cow creative treats for the bake sale!!!! We sold a ton, but still have some left over. We will sell the rest on Friday after dismissal. No need to make more, we just want to sell the rest! 

The fun jail, NE guest speakers, and dry ice science pictures are above. 

Today, we played many games in class that made us practice using that inferential reading skill. We also played one for main idea and supporting details. Ask your child who they had on their back at the end of the day that they had to ask yes or no questions for. Write their costume in the planner for $20 tomorrow. 

Tomorrow is another 1/2 day due to conferences. So far, all have been attended so that is awesome! I enjoy sitting and just listening to you talk about your kiddos. They are fantastic! 

Have a wonderful evening.