Hi there. This will be a very sad post to write. Due to time restraints this year, I just can't seem to get the blog done after school anymore. As a mom myself, that was the only time I had to do it. I am not sure of the reasons why this year is so different, but it is. So, this is my final post. I am also not able to keep up with the weekly grade reports either. Our school does a midterm and a report card. At open house, you received a way to get online and access your child's grades at anytime. That would work the same as the weekly report. If you didn't get one or have misplaced it, please contact the office for a new one or help finding your way through the program. I, personally, have never used the parent side of it myself. I have always taken pride in going above and beyond, but this year I have different priorities.
After the end of this quarter, I will also be changing my behavior system. We will not be using the money system or the Owl anymore. I will just be dealing with behaviors one on one as they arise.
I want to thank all of you for loving the blog and reading it daily. You can sure still check in anytime you feel the need through face to face, phone, text or email. I will, as always, alert you of any concerns I have with each child individually.
I will miss blogging daily as it was kinda my journal of our day.
Ms. Erickson
PS-The Red Ribbon Week letter/permission slip is at the printshop and will be sent home with students on Monday. :0)