Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Could it be true???? The weather man says that snow is coming tomorrow and Thursday. Please dress warm. We will go out for recess. Slush, slush, slush.

The sub report was a good one from Mr. Brown and from the students themselves. Yay!!! I love this group!

Two kiddos have robbed me of $500 already. :0) Andrew and Sebastian have found the Watch For Fallen Rock signs around town and taken their picture with it. I have shown them to the class, and we all know where they are now. Kids may not take their locations. They must find their own. Both signs were around the rims. They are all over town and across the USA. Be on the lookout. If kids get a picture with the sign and it is emailed to me, I pay them $500 for the home school connection!!! I have also emailed them to the author (I told him not to post anywhere!). He is loving it!!!!! Watch for the T-shirts that my class helped design to come out for sale soon. Our class is getting a special price cut! They are sweet!!! How fun!

Happy Birthday to Brayden!! He slipped out without me getting his picture in the fun birthday hat. I will get him tomorrow. :0) Thanks for the yummy cupcakes! Have a great birthday night!

We have gotten the results back for the box top class contest going on. Ms. Erickson's class is dead last. AHHHHHHHH!!!!! Please send, send, send them in. Cut them off anything and every thing. :0) If your child brings in some tomorrow I will double the normal reward to $100 instead of the standard $50. All they need is one. But, send in many! :0)

Our origami hurricanes and puffy glue paint hurricanes came home tonight. If your kids share those and explain them to you write the word HURRICANE in the planner for $20 tomorrow. Some forgot them at school. Drats.

Up in the hall now is the character warriors. They are too cute!!! I sure can see a difference in many attitudes and problem solving skills since we have done this unit. They are really becoming character warriors and learning to ward off evil negative choices. Yay!!!!!

Remember, there are no new spelling words this week. It is a review week. Kids either know them or don't. I will pick 20 from their previous lists. There will still be a bonus challenge word as well. They have been working with the words all week in their spelling review assignments.

Have a wonderful evening!