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Hi there. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Sorry to blog so late. My Uncle had a stroke this weekend and is now in ICU so my mind has been elsewhere. They are running tests, so please keep he and I in your thoughts and prayers if you do so. Thanks.
We had a great week last week. Our field trip to the Alberta Bair was awesome. In all my years, I have never been so proud of a group of kids as I was of both Bitterroot 4th grade classes. The kids even commented on how ill behaved some other schools were. They also learned why Mrs. Hankins and I preach and preach and preach why we put our hands down when a guest speaker is answering a question. Kids were literally jumping up and down and we were unable to see the actors much less pay attention to them. I was so proud of how well behaved our classes were. Way to go Bitterroot!!!! The show was also awesome! We learned a lot about doing our part to help Mother Nature save and protect our planet. It was a perfect tie into our Fallen Rock book.
It was fun to listen to Austin's Star of the Week this week. He had some great things to share and the kids were really into his presentation! Great job Austin!!
This week is conference week. I am looking forward to visiting with all of you. If you have not returned your final slip confirming your time please do so tomorrow. In order to fit all of you in, we will have half days on Wed, Thurs, and Friday this week. Kids will be dismissed at noon. The book fair will also be going on at this time. What a great way to reward your kiddo for doing such an awesome job in class. :0) Or, you could get some early Christmas shopping done!!!
Fun Friday this week was a blast! We played Jenga in honor of Red Ribbon Week. How you might say??? Well, we tied it all together. When playing Jenga we told kids that every time they pulled out a block and stacked it on top it signified a choice to do drugs, tobacco, or alcohol. It made their life wobbly and unstable. Then when enough poor decisions were made, life tumbled over and broke. The kids were really able to see how dangerous a life that was not built on stable and positive decisions was.
It was time to nominate kids for the Purple Hand Cookie award this past Friday. The kids nominated their classmates. Natalie, Collin, Tyson, and McKenzy were nominated by their peers for going above and beyond with their acts of kindness this month. The votes were tallied, and Mr. Collin was selected as the winner for helping Mr. English clean up a HUGE mess in the boys bathroom one day. If you could have seen the smile on Collin's face when we gave him a standing ovation!!!! Priceless. He was so thrilled to win the cookie! Great job Collin, and what an honor for all the nominees to be nominated by their classmates. I would also like to take a minute and recognize three students that went above and beyond to show kindness to me as well this month. Brayden was kind by emailing a picture of his shield hanging in his bedroom to me. Made my day!!! Alyssa brought me hot tea on Friday morning when she knew I had a sore throat on Thursday. How super sweet!!! Finally, Natalie emailed me pictures of her giving her brand new nephew a bath in the hospital. Thank you for sharing that special moment with me!!! I am so honored to work with such a great group of kids!!!
This Tuesday we will be heading to the Jail. We will leave right away at 8:40 and return before lunch. Please feel free to meet us there.
This week is Halloween week. We will be doing fun activities around this subject area all week long, including nightly homework. What is your child going to be this year for Halloween? Write it in the planner for $20 bonus tomorrow. Love, love, love this holiday!!!! If you attended the PTA Pumpkin Patch Party last Friday night, write that in the planner as well and I will give your child the $300 reward money for participating in a family function night at Bitterroot! Thanks for supporting that. I heard it was a great success!
Have a great, great night! Cya tomorrow kiddos!