Yippee!!!!! We were super excited to visualize all the firemen out there jumping up and down with joy this morning as the HUGE snowflakes fell! It is supposed to continue to be colder and wet for the next day or so. Please continue to dress warmly. Let it snow, and snow, and snow!!!!
I am another $500 in the hole. Mr. Collin has found yet another Fallen Rock Sign. Good for you Collin and mom!!!!
Today in CC meeting we talked about the difference between positive and negative attention and being a class clown. Rusty said it pretty straight today in our schooltoolstv.com show. He said: Negative attention is NOT funny. It is rude, disrespectful, and mean. We spent a good 15-20 minutes on it. Then, three hours later we went to lunch. When I picked up the kids I was greeted by the lunch aide. She stated that she had to talk to my class about making loud farting noises and then laughing at one another. Urg! So, they got their wanted negative attention and my disappointment. So sad. I was proud of those that didn't laugh and didn't participate in the class clown behavior. Please ask your child what a class clown is and name one way they can get POSITIVE attention from a teacher in class. If they can tell you, write CLOWN in the planner for $20.
Due to the rain we had indoor recess today. Kids worked on their left over homework from reading groups and spelling. So....if your child has this for homework I would be concerned. That was an extra 20 minutes to work. There are some that are NOT using their independent work time wisely. I do not and will not leave my reading group to refocus a child. If they don't use their time wisely, they will need to accomplish the missing tasks at home before they meet in small group the next day.
All that being said, I was just telling Mrs. Hankins today that this group rocks! They are really coming along and getting used to the routines and expectations in Ms. Erickson's class. I have seen them grow already, and to me it is still early in the year. Yay! Each kiddo is unique and wonderful in their very own way. Some of those wonderful ways might irritate me to death, but at the end of the day I wouldn't trade a one of them. They are all special!!!!
Tomorrow is library. Please help get those books in the backpack so they can check out new ones or renew them if they are not done yet.
Have a wonderful night!