Thursday, October 25, 2012

Holy PINK!

Well, I am not sure I am typing what I am meaning to type as my eyes are all wacked out from looking at so much pink today! :0) What an awesome display of school spirit: "Drug's Stink, Wear Pink!" cool are Miss. Natalie's fingernails!!! Love it girl!

This morning we had 4 students from Sr. High come and take us through their journey with drugs. Three of the four mentioned they started younger than your child right now. The 4th had a different case. His mother did drugs while pregnant with him. He then mentioned that his mom and her friends thought it was fun to blow marijuana smoke in his face when he was a baby and a toddler so he was often high at a young age. Can you imagine? He said that when he did drugs it is the only time his body felt normal so he kept doing it. When asked how we stopped, he said he did it himself. I have never been touched by a story like that before. I was not prepared to hear a story where a child was so innocent in a drug habit. My goodness. Talk about powerful. These four kids drove home the message today that you do drugs to fit in, but in the long run you end up alone and looking for all the people that said they were your friends. They all said their biggest regret was starting at a young age because they didn't know better. They also mentioned that they wished they would have had people come talk with them at this age, because it could have saved them a lot of hard times. THIS is why Mrs. Hankins and I do all of these things for your children!!! If we save even one life from Drugs by a student remembering an activity or a guest speaker they heard in the 4th grade, then we have done our job. Please, please continue to talk with your kids as they grow older and be as nosy as possible in their lives, friends, and activities. Just say no!!!

In math we expanded our multiplication to three digit by one digit. Homework tonight has four of these problems on it as well. They are really doing well with this. Next week, we will move to two by two! That is always fun!!!

We finished our water cycle stories today in class. We will write our final drafts tomorrow in class. They will be graded and put on display for your viewing pleasure during conference week. Please remind kids to bring in their fun raindrop person tomorrow as well.

Our character warrior shields and knights came home today. Would you do me a favor? Would you help your child find a very special place in their room to hang these up? They made goals on them for the year, and I would like them to see them each day before school. If you do this, and actually hang them up, please write the word WARRIOR in the planner for $50 tomorrow.

Our states and capitals test is tomorrow for the NE region. Is your child ready? We practiced today with the real test so they knew what it looked like!!! Please review those tonight one last time. Remember, they will get a word list to help with spelling.

Tomorrow is our field trip to Alberta Bair Theater. Everyone will be attending. We will leave after lunch and be back around 2. Due to lunchroom issues, can we PLEASE encourage your child to pack a lunch tomorrow as we need to eat in the classroom again. If not, kids can slip down and go through the lunch line.

We need all non-fundraiser fundraiser envelopes back by TOMORROW please. Thanks.

Don't forget the fun Pumpkin Patch Party this Friday put on by the PTA. It is always a ton of fun. A letter went home with all the details with your child earlier this week. Those that attend should write a note in the planner on MONDAY saying so, and I will grant your child the standard $300 reward.

Have a wonderful night with your very special kiddos!