Monday, October 8, 2012

Fun and Packed Day!

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Hi there. As you can see above, we have been having a lot of fun learning in the 4th grade! This is the best part of teaching for me. Kids get to learn, but they also have fun doing it!!! Don't we wish high school and college was like that? I know I do. 

In the slideshow, you will see all the knights that were turned in. Didn't they turn out cute???? You will also see your kids on their Read About computer program that we do daily in reading. Does your child have headphones yet? They need them as this program has volume. You will also see our science we did today. We started the water cycle today. I wanted to know what they kids already knew, so I passed out a matching game with the different parts and vocabulary words on them. In their groups, they had to match each vocabulary/concept word with a picture and a definition/description. After about 10 minutes of trial and error, I then showed them a funny song that we will memorize that said many of the terms. I then gave them about five more minutes to change any they wanted to change. Then, we did the puzzle together to correct. Kids will need to be able to complete the puzzle by themselves at the end of our unit. You will also find Miss. Chloe in her birthday hat and Robby being an amazing star of the week. Thanks for the birthday treats Chloe! Yum!!! 

We also started taking our tour of the NE region. I have now posted the NE states and capitals off to the right. I advised the kids to make flashcards putting the state on one side and the capital on the other. I did not get the blank maps to them. I will tomorrow. I also suggested they go to the dollar store sometime this week, and purchase a USA map puzzle. Putting them together will help learn the locations. Please start having the kids study these. The test on the NE region will be in two weeks. 

Homework tonight is a counting money practice paper. 

Have a wonderful night!!