Hi there. Real quick today.
We formed our Valentine committee's today. We went by what you decided in the planners. Below, I have listed the committee and what they have agreed to do/bring for the party. If it is going to be an issue, please let me know ASAP so I can regroup.
McKenzy: Singing Machine
Andrew-Disco Ball
Sebastian-Disco Game
(Each group member has agreed to bring their favorite CDs and wear a costume)
Snack: (22 People Worth)
Brayden: Red Cups
Elijah: Strawberry Shortcake
Robby: Cool Whip (Large Tub) and Fortune Cookies????
Evan: Soda x 3 (liter bottles)
Tyson: hawaiian punch x 2 and Table Cloth
Ethan: Chips x 2 bags and Valentine plates
Daniel: Brownies
Alexis: Conversation Hearts
Cameron: Valentine Napkins and Silverware
Natalie: Baked goods and Dips for chips
Alyssa: Baked goods and valentine bowls.
(All parties have their assigned parts and supplies will be given out tomorrow to bring home.)
All supplies need to be brought in on NEXT Wednesday morning. Please check your child's planner for more details if they have them. Write ALL GOOD if you are fine with the required items for $20 tomorrow.
Thanks so much! They are very excited about this!!!
Have a great night.