Monday, February 25, 2013

Got Fossils? Bring Them In To Share?

Hi. Happy Monday.

This morning we opened up the day with PE and HE. Due to some scheduling issues, we will also have PE/HE tomorrow morning as well. We will not have it on Wed. this week. So, bring those shoes again tomorrow. Thanks.

Next up, we did CC Meeting. I swear, this is my favorite part of my day and my true calling/passion in life. Getting kids to really get it is what my life is all about. Once we have won their hearts, then the brain and academics come easily. Which is perfect in here, because testing is right around the next week. Yay!

In CC meeting today, Rusty talked to us about paying it forward. Kids first predicted what that phrase is all about. You can see the list on the picture above. Then we discovered, with Rusty's help, that paying it forward really means to pass on acts of kindness. We also talked about how we should walk around with an attitude of gratitude instead of always wanting more out of life. I asked them when the last time was that they walked into Walmart with you and instead of asking for something they said thank you for buying them food was. Not very many could say that had happened recently. I ended the meeting with a challenge. Find someway to pay it forward with an act of kindness, don't expect anything in return, and try not to let people know you did it. If so, let me know and they will become a part of our Pay It Forward Club. Today, Alyssa noticed that our school crosswalk lady, Mrs. Patti, looked cold. So, she convinced her mom to go buy her a coffee. She then went back and gave it to her and Alyssa shared that the best part of her kindness was seeing Mrs. Patti's face light up. That is paying it forward!!! Way to go Alyssa! Olivia and Alexis joined the club by getting books for others without them knowing in Language Arts class today. I am soooooo proud to be this class' teacher!

We spent a good chunk of our reading block doing LEAD 21. We are venturing into the nonfiction part of the South Central region of the U.S. Today, we used a main idea chain connection graphic organizer to find important details that fit under a main idea. We did two together, and then the kids did one alone using information found in their small leveled readers. Tomorrow, we will turn those into summaries. Walla! It is quite magical. Just one more strategy to use while becoming a good reader.

This week we are reviewing in spelling, so there are no words to study. All the words on Friday's test will be words they have had before. We will review all week.

According to our work on linking verses action verbs today in language class, we need to work on those a little bit more. Half of the problem however, is that some kids don't read or listen to the directions and end up getting things wrong that they could have gotten right. Choices...consequences.

In Math, we took a review test. I am assessing them to know what we really need to review or still go over before MONT CAS testing. It is unreasonable to think that we can learn a year's worth by the end of February when we still have an entire quarter of math to go, but I want to just see if there are some major issues I can help with or review. I don't believe in teaching to the test, and I surely don't believe in cramming for the test. Remember, these tests are to find out what your child knows. It is NOT a 4th grade test. It is a test that tests everything they have learned since birth. So, if we haven't covered something yet to prepare them, no worries, they will get it before next years. That being said, I will take time out to review all that we have learned this year and help fill in gaps to further and deepen that knowledge.

In science, we learned about Amber Fossils. What are those anyway? Ask your child, and if they can tell you write AMBER in the planner for $20 tomorrow. I am thinking we just may need to take a field trip to see some of the types of fossils we are learning about real soon. Yeppers! More to come on that one. If you have any type of fossil that you would be willing to come in and share with the class, they would love it!

We wrapped up the day by sharing Brayden's hockey trophy from this weeks tournament. Third place! Way to go Brayden. Then he had fun going to see Mount Rushmore with his family. Love to hear those great memories!!!

I think that about does it for today. Tomorrow is the Bitterroot spelling bee for 5th and 6th graders. We will go watch so they know what it is like for next year, plus I am the coordinator so we kinda have to. It is always fun to see those take risks in this subject area!

Have a wonderful night!