Sunday, February 24, 2013

Ever Feel Like a Sponge?

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Hi there. I hope you had a great weekend. It was a beautiful day outside today! Hope that lasts for a bit longer. It is nice to also have light when I drive in and back home these days as well. 

Above, you will see a collection of fun activities that happened last Friday. The first few were an activity we did in CC Meeting. Rusty shared with us that feelings are the colors and textures of the world. So, we put that to the text, literally. I passed around a hard sponge, a soft bristled brush, and a soft ball of yarn. I then had the kids feel each object and decide if they were feeling sad, mad, or happy. They then had to share their opinions and back them up with evidence. It was pretty funny to listen to their logic. Bristle Brush for mad because it represents chores! Hilarious. It was a great lesson. Ask your child what they picked and why. If they share with you at a 4th grade level (opinion and solid proof) write TEXTURE in the planner for $20 tomorrow. Next weeks lessons with Rusty all deal with paying it forward. Can't wait for those! 

We are all so proud of Tyson for winning the Purple Hand Cookie award for going above and beyond the call of duty in the area of kindness. Sharing his money with Alexis when she forgot hers was extremely generous. Way to go Tyson. I am proud of all the nominees. Keep on being kind! 

At the start of the week, I posted or chain of "little things" that the class agreed to focus on this week. Throughout the week, we discovered that working as a team is tough. We often forgot to push in chairs, pick up garbage rather than walking over it or past it, and invite those that alone. We had to find those links and break the chains. The kids were able to see what happens to a team when there are weak links. The kids were dying to correct the behaviors or do more if I would just reconnect them. We talked about how we need to make good choices the first time and keep our promises to one another. On the other hand, I saw so many little things that the kiddos did do. So many were generous to one another. This really is a great group of kiddos! 

Well, that about sums it up. Have a great Sunday.