Monday, February 11, 2013

Rough Days Happen

Well, I wish I could say that today was a great day in E4, but I can't. This morning, we had a very LONG and SERIOUS talk about about the choices that were made by 17 of my 21 students. Come to find out, kids admitted that they guessed on their math quizzes and rushed through them without even trying to get to do their Valentine's Day bags. I can't tell you how disappointed I was in these 17 students, many which this is out of character for. I then told them that they would have NEVER done this if I was in the room, and how that also hurts me. We spend a great amount of time learning how to be honest and students with positive character. We also talked that true character is how you act when no one (Ms. Erickson) is watching. They made the wrong choice last Friday. I could tell that most of the students really did feel regret, but not all. That is also sad in itself. After our talk, we let it go and moved on.

As for the four that made positive choices and did their very, very best on their test I express how very, very proud of them I am. Rusty calls kids "little diamonds." These kids sure showed that they are living up to that name. Olivia, Daniel, Brayden, and Kayla all earned a little diamond from me this morning. I am sure hoping to give out more throughout the year. I told them to take it home and put is somewhere special and that each time they look at it, to remember how proud I am of them in this moment. Ask to see them and please help find a special place to treasure it. Well done, and well deserved!

The rest of the day went great! We got a lot done, including our book about Lewis and Clark's expedition. Today, we talked a lot about how the Corps would have been in big trouble without the help of one person in particular. Ask your child who that one person was. If they can tell you, write the name in the planner for $20 tomorrow. We will finish up with our stickers on the trail and the movie tomorrow. While watching the movie, we will eat a special treat in celebration of Pompey's birthday (which is today!).

Mr. English will be returning from his military duty on Wednesday. I am sure the kids are excited to tell him that they beat his challenge in the Read A Thon. The assembly will be after the break. I believe, but don't quote me, that they are planning on announcing the winners by this Wednesday. It sure will be fun having Mr. English back, but it was also great having Mrs. Hardgrove here as well.

In language class, we learned a new word today. If your child is in my language class, ask them to read this sentence and tell you what they learned in class about the word Snoopy. If they can tell you what word I am talking about, write it in the planner for another $20. Phrase: My dog, Snoopy, ate his bone.
This skill is WAY over a 4th grade level. Wowzers!

Don't forget that we have our NAPE testing coming up right after the break. Kids will take either the math or the reading section of it. I don't know anything about it or which one they will be taking. All I know is that they are ready to shine!!! It will be next Tuesday at 10.

MONTCAS testing is right around the corner as well. We will begin to review in many areas to ensure that we are ready to rock the test! I know they will do great, as long as they believe and give us their very best!

Please make sure kids are ready to go for their committed supplies for the Valentine's Day party on Wednesday. Also, make sure they have all those fun cards ready to deliver that morning. I am excited. Please send in all supplies on Wednesday. Thanks.

Homework tonight is a blast from the past. It is a Valentine Math sheet that reviews place value, expanded form, and rounding. Wow! Hopefully they remember how to do those...of course they will!

We will be starting our new science unit tomorrow. It will be on fossils. Tomorrow, kids will do a What do you think? question to show me what they already know. I will post the results on the blog.

Well, have a wonderful night. I am expecting a way better day tomorrow from start to finish. :0) BELIEVE!