Thursday, February 7, 2013

Hats 4 Hope Tomorrow...50 Cents!

Hi there. It was a great, fun day in E4. We sure are having fun learning this year!

Tomorrow, I will be out of the building. Kids will have their favorite sub, Mr. Brown. He knows the drill, so all will run smoothly. I am asking that kids be the BEST them tomorrow, and to make THEMSELVES proud! Those that chose to push Mr. Brown's "buttons" will be sitting out part of the Valentine's Day party. Yikes! Good choices all the way around please!!

Due to sub tomorrow, Miss. Olivia did her Star of the Week today. It was so much fun meeting Ranger, her puppy! What a cutie, and love those Husky eyes! Olivia also shared a hidden talent, she can seriously decorate cakes. I am talking Pinterest quality here folks. Who knew??? Wow!!! What a great kid!

Read A Thon Envelopes have come home today for one last time. Kids need to make good on their pledges. Please round up the money owed and place it in the envelopes. I believe the last day for this is next Monday. Winners for contests will be announced next week sometime.

Kids will make their Valentine bags tomorrow for Fun Friday. This will be the only time to do this. Those that are absent, will be given a blank bag to collect their valentine's in. They are transforming their bags into love monsters! Rrrrrrr!!! The sky is the limit on creativity and if they want to bring in supplies of their own, they may do so tomorrow. I showed examples today in class. There is a creative writing piece with this as well that kids will need to accomplish BEFORE they get to do the fun decorating. There is no cost for this Fun Friday, everyone can attend for free. :0)

We finished our Fighting Fair unit with Rusty this morning. All kids are now officially trained on how to fight fair. The poster will hang in the classroom for awhile as a reminder. Today, we added to THINK BEFORE we SPEAK or WRITE! Once we say things, we can't get those words back. So, they should be words we can be proud of.

Have a fantastic night and weekend. I will post again on Sunday night. Remember, next week is a short week. Full days M and T, and half day on Wednesday. Then off Th, F, and Monday. Back to school on Tuesday. Enjoy the break!!!