Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Make Your Choice A Positive One...Fresh Start!

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Hi there. Well, if for sure was a BETTER day in here. However, you can sure tell it is the day before Valentine's Day. It was for sure my fault however. We played a little Minute to Win It Valentine's Day style. The kids had to complete 4 tasks; all in a minute or less. It was super funny, and they worked really hard. Check out the pictures in the slideshow. The kids brought home the puzzle one. They now need to see if you can do it in a minute or less. If they try it on ya, write PUZZLE in the planner for $20 tomorrow.

We exchanged our money today. Many kids were able to buy some fun coupons to use after the break. We then donated the rest to the bank and called the pink money good. We now have blue money. Kids need to save every dollar they can for upcoming field trips. There will be a $500 buy in for each one. They should save at least $3000 by April if possible. This will be super easy if they just make positive choices. Everyone has a fresh start again, and everyone can do it!!!

Our CC meeting today was on that exact topic: Choices=Consequences. We talked, in length, about how what we do effects what we get. We are going to work very hard for those POSITIVE consequences and steer clear of choices that will lead us down the wrong path.

Kids need to make sure that they are ready to go for the Valentine's Day party tomorrow. Those on the decoration committee need to be here at 7:45. They need to check in at the office and then come down to decorate. I will be here. Those on the treat committee need to bring in their goods. We will sure enjoy eating those!!! Entertainment committee needs to bring in all their fun stuff to entertain us. It will be a blast, I am sure.

We have gym tomorrow. Please help remember those shoes. If they come unprepared then it costs them $50, just like homework. Choices....Consequences.

Have a great, great night!