Thursday, November 8, 2012

Birthdays and Veterans!

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Hi there. We had another busy day. I say that a lot don't I? Guess that is a good thing. :0) 

Mr. English was amazing this morning! I was glued to the presentation myself!!! Holy cow, he does some amazing things to keep us free and safe!!! Ask your child what they learned. If they can tell you, write MR ENGLISH in the planner for $20. 

We will finish up with our studies on Veteran's Day tomorrow with one more fun project. 

Montana had another year added to her belt today. We had a fun time exploring the state by playing a fun scavenger hunt with Mrs. Hankin's class. Then, we sang Happy Birthday and ate some yummy cake. Everyone did great! 

Tomorrow is Friday, and it is projected to be VERY, VERY cold! Dress warm please. I think it is time to put away the shorts and bring out the gloves and hats. Many kids were FREEZING today and complaining. They have to go out if it is not below zero, cold or not. Please encourage your kiddo to dress warmly. Thanks.

Lastly, believe your kiddos when they say there is no homework tonight! Happy Birthday Montana!!!

Have a great night!!!