Hey there fellow Americans! Today is a big day for us!!! If you voted today/tonight right the word VOTE in the planner for $100 bonus tomorrow. If you got the little I voted sticker, stick it in the planner and your child will earn another $100!!!! (Has to be the official one from the polls).
Today we started off our day talking about what a Hardworking 4th grader looks like. Kids came up with all of the ideas written on the poster above. I could tell that they remembered these throughout the day as they were taking extra precaution in doing them. What a great group of kids. Today, after watching Rusty's show, they thought his most meaningful quote was Win or lose, I can feel proud of myself when I give 100%. Awesome!
Elijah also shared his star of the week stuff today during CC meeting. Who knew he was a coin collector???? Not I. This is why I love this job. I learn so much about kids that I never knew before. Next up...Miss. Natalie!
Our Flakesgiving Fundraiser is tomorrow. Kids may bring in that sandwich bag size of leftover Halloween candy and their $1 donation tomorrow. Some kids asked if they could donate more than $1. I said WOWZERS!!!!! Of course you can, but you can still only have the one bag (6-8 items). :0)
You will also see a flyer coming home with some 5th graders in disguise. They mustache you to bring a perishable item to donate to our food bank drive. This can be anytime this week. Awesome ways to help and pay it forward! I know I will be doing this one for sure!!!
We started our new science unit today...WOLVES! As you can see, the kids knew a lot about this animal already. Today we talked about the science terms predator and prey. We will learn a whole lot about this animal and animal terms in general.
Daniel bought a Show and Tell coupon at the auction last week so he decided to use it today. He brought in his box turtle for us to see. How fun! His name is Claws because he has the biggest claws ever seen on a turtle! Thanks for sharing Daniel!!!!
Homework tonight is value. It is coming out of the past and haunting them again. Gotta keep it fresh at all times!!! It should be a total review!
Have an amazing night!