Hi there. Pretty crazy day! We started new book clubs in reading and I always forget how long the first day goes. Therefore, we felt behind all day long. :0(
In math, we started time. Kids at this age should know how to tell time to the minute. There were some that had some difficulties figuring out the minute. There were also some that didn't know if it was one thirty or two thirty. We will dive into elapsed time tomorrow. That is the new skill with time in the 4th grade. Kids will need to determine how much time has past between two times. It can get tricky, and kids tend to become frustrated and give up. They just need to keep trying. We had about 80% get their 2 by 2 multiplication problem right today. We are almost at a 100%!!! When I see that everyone has mastered the skill of moving over to the tens place on the second partial product, then we will quiz out of that skill. Till then, we will keep working on it. :0)
We had a great time in MT history today. We have been studying Native Americans in Montana during the 1700-1800s. Today, we got to see how kids played. I took the kids to the gym to play three on three double ball. Man was I disappointed when my camera said low battery!!!! The kids were so funny and so excited to play the game. Ask your child to explain it to you. If they can, write DOUBLEBALL in the planner for $20 tomorrow. I will snag some action footage another day!
Yesterday, I mentioned a secret letter coming home with your kids today. Everyone got one, and it is in their backpacks in a sealed envelope!! They were told NOT to open them, and to give them directly to you. If your child did that, please write the word SECRET in the planner for another $20 tomorrow. Please remember to keep it hush hush, even if not participating. Thanks.
In CC meeting today I had each child fill out a blank puzzle board with all of the gifts and talents they could think of in their lives. Then, I asked them how hard it would be to put their puzzle together if I took away all the blank pieces. Of course it would be impossible. That is the beauty of the puzzle of life. Kids need to stay safe in order to grow up and get all their pieces. We also talked about how we have no idea what the cover of their puzzle box looks like. It is always changing and is a mystery. Rusty did a great job explaining this to us today in his show! It was pretty weird for kids to realize that it may take them 90 years to put together this puzzle, instead of the 20 minutes they are used to. Patience...ahhhhhh!!!!
Thanks for all the cereal/snack boxes. Mrs. Wardrip was sure surprised!!! She said she has enough now thanks to our class. Yay!! Please continue to donate to the Bitterroot food drive throughout the week.
Homework tonight is a math review #13. Please feel free to check over it and discuss answers.
Have a great night!