Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Bring Out the Birthday Candles!!!!

It is Veteran's Day in E4!!! We are sooooooo lucky to have our very own Veteran at Bitterroot Elementary School! Our very own principal, Mr. English, is an active soldier in the US Army. He is a medic helicopter pilot. He actually has training over the next few days so tomorrow he going to visit with both 4th grade classes! He has an entire presentation. Super excited! we spent discovering what this holiday is about. We did a couple of projects to help bring it home. For homework today, kids are to write a letter to Mr. English. I modeled my expectations in class. They need to use their VERY best handwriting, fill up the entire page with words of gratitude, and do their best on spelling. Please DONT edit. I want them to be kids on this one, so spelling errors are ok as long as they try.

Tomorrow is HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONTANA!!! Kids that dress that part as cowboys and cowgirls tomorrow to school will earn another $100. Don't have any cowboy gear? Dress the Veteran's Day part and wear red, white, and blue for Mr. English tomorrow. Cowboy hats are allowed and encouraged!!! YeeHaw! How old is MT anyway? If you can do the math, write the answer in the planner for $20 tomorrow.

In CC Meeting today, we continued to talk about Working hard. We talked about the fact that work is NOT a four letter word. It is a good thing that will lead us to our future dreams and goals. The kids found their favorite quote again, Thoughts become your reality. If you think work is a bad thing or a good are right! Awesome!